
從多邊和雙邊的視角看中美貿易 朱 民 繆延亮

中美經濟摩擦進入新階段:矛盾焦點從貿易失衡轉向技術轉移 關志雄

信息技術發展趨勢與半導體產業的增長點 馮昭奎




“三大變革”引領世界經濟新週期之變 盛 壘 權 衡

中國-東盟自由貿易區的經濟影響和減貧效應 餘淼傑 高愷琳

從“貨幣三元悖論”到“金融三元悖論”—— 國際資本流動研究的新思路

範小云 劉糧 陳雷


—— 中國世界經濟學會國際貿易論壇(2018)學術研討會觀點綜述

邱 斌 張 亮 劉修巖 陳 健


歷史瞬間和特徵化事實 —— 中國特色城市化道路及其新內涵蔡昉


關鍵詞:中國特色城市化 生產要素積累 生產要素重新配置 經濟增長

Urbanizationwith Chinese Characteristics and Its New Connotation


This article selects three typical historical moments (developments) to analyze the country's urbanization with Chinese characteristics, which can be defined both as a process of reform and a process of development, from three perspectives: labor force exiting from inefficient agricultural and rural sector, mobility oflabor force between agricultural and non-agricultural sectors, between urbanand rural areas, and between different regions, and entry of labor force intocities and urban sectors in terms of residence, employment and social statustransformation. The article points out that China's reform and development experiences from its urbanization process can serve as solutions to the following tasks: first, it is provision of incentives for accumulation of production factors and mechanisms for re-distribution of production factors throughre forms to generate real economic growth; second, it is creation of more jobs to promote full employment through re-distribution of labor force so that reform, opening-up, development and sharing can be combined to increase social consensus on reform to ensure the sustainable implementation of reformmeasures; third, it is adjustment of reform priorities based on changing development phases to maintain and create necessary driving forces for economic growth.


朱 民 繆延亮


關鍵詞:貿易戰 經濟政策 再平衡 中美貿易

Sino-US Trade: Multilateral and Bilateral Perspectives

Zhu Minand Miao Yanliang

The colossal trade deficits of the United States are a direct consequence of its long-standing domestic structural and policy imbalances supported by the US dollar’s exorbitant privilege as the dominant international reserve currency. China, on the contrary, has focused on transforming its domestic economy to achieve external rebalancing through internal restructuring, which provides an exemplary case for solving the problem of trade imbalance. It requires both sides, especially the US, to face up to the domestic structural issues of the US to resolve their trade disputes; a trade war will only exacerbate the US economic imbalance. China should adhere to its righteous position, focus on its long-term interests, and accelerate its domestic reforms.




關鍵詞:貿易摩擦 301條款 美國外資投資委員會 外商投資風險評估現代化法案

FromTrade Imbalance to Technology Transfer — New Stage of China-US

Economic Frictions

C. H.Kwan

Economic frictions between China and the United States have heightened following theTrump administration's invocation of Section 301 of the 1974 Trade Act andannouncement of retaliatory actions against China in March 2018, with the majorconcern shifting from trade imbalance to technology transfer. The United Stateshas criticized the Chinese government of imposing ownership limits on US companies investing in China while at the same time supporting Chinese companies' M&A activities that aim to acquire technology from overseas. The US government has asked China to change these policies on the one hand, andtighten review of foreign acquisition of US companies based on national security considerations on the other hand. As it has become more and more difficult for China to acquire the most advanced technology from the United States, it has made more efforts to indigenous R&D, while at the same time sped up opening its economy to the world to enhance its attractiveness as aninvestment destination.

信息技術發展趨勢與半導體產業的增長點 馮昭奎


關鍵詞: 信息技術 5G 人工智能 物聯網 集成電路芯片 半導體產業

Information Technology Development and Growth of the Semiconductor Industry

Feng Zhaokui

The core position of information technology in the new round of scientific and technological revolution has been further strengthened and the contents of information technology have been further enriched (artificial intelligence, bigdata, cloud computing, etc.); as the foundation of information technology, these miconductor chip technology has become increasingly important. With the expected advent of the 5G era in the first half of the 2020s, application and commercialization of artificial intelligence will accelerate amid fierce market competition, and the internet of things (IoT) will become an indispensible part of people's daily life. Smart phones and other mobile communication devices, internet of things that connect homes, smart cities and personal wearable devices, consumer electronics, industrial internet of things (IIoT), automotive automation, robots and drones, security applications including biometrics, artificial intelligence, cognition and deep learning will become the most important areas of application of information technology. The expanded application of new technological achievements will effectively promote the development and expansion of semiconductor and related electronic device industries; as a result, 5G mobile phone chips, automotive automation chips, IoT-related chips, high-speed and high-efficiency compound semiconductor devices, and semiconductor sensors will become new growth points of these miconductor industry.



關鍵詞:可再生能源 風電 光伏發電 補貼政策 可再生能源棄電 電力市場

Subsidy Crisis and Large-Scale Curtailment of Wind and Solar Power in


United Research Group of China Center for Energy and Development at

the National School of Development, Peking University,

and Department of Energy Economics at the School of Economics,

Renmin University of China

The renewable energy development in China is facing the challenges of subsidycrisis and large-scale curtailment of wind and solar power. Based on field research, this article analyzes how the fixed feed-in tariff subsidy policy hasled to the current scenario of “local governments treat and central governmentpays” in terms of resource allocation, and how it has conflicted with the rigid power production, transmission and trading system. Based on analysis of China's economic development and lessons of renewable development in other countries, the article provides suggestions regarding how to solve those problems andadjust the renewable energy subsidy policies.

“三大變革”引領世界經濟新週期之變 盛 壘 權 衡


關鍵詞:新科技革命 一帶一路 全球治理 世界經濟新週期

New Cycle of the World Economy and the Changing Dynamics

Sheng Lei and Quan Heng

After ten years of “new mediocre”, the world economy seems to be shaking off the impact of the global financial crisis and starts to show more positive signs of recovery. However, from the perspective of long-term cycle, the world economy remains in the phase of recession as part of the old cycle, which means it isin a situation of “structural downturn” marked by low- and medium-rate growth.The way out of “structural downturn” lies in the world economy stepping onto a new track of long-term growth cycle, which will feature new dynamics, newstructure, new rule and new governance system. The following developments will help the world economy achieve that transition. First, it is the new scienceand technology revolution, which will unleash new growth impetus of the world economy; second, it is the Belt and Road Initiative, which will reshape the globalization landscape; last but not least, it is reform of the global governance system, which is rebuilding the rules for world economic development. As it enters a new era, China will contribute to the transitionand recovery of the world economy and push it to enter the new long-term growth cycle.

中國—東盟自由貿易區的經濟影響和減貧效應 餘淼傑 高愷琳


關鍵詞:自由貿易區 中國—東盟 減貧 貿易自由化

China-ASEAN Free Trade Area: Economic Influence and Poverty Reduction Effect

Yu Miaojie and Gao Kailin

The China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA) is the most populous free trade area in the world and the third-largest economic cooperation area in the world. Most CAFTA members are developing countries and face the common challenge of economic development and poverty eradication. The establishment of the CAFTA not onlybears huge economic significance, but also has a crucial poverty reduction effect. Since 2002, when China and the ASEAN signed an agreement to establishthe CAFTA, a number of economic cooperation agreements have been reached in the fields of trade, investment, and infrastructure construction, which have contributed to the liberalization of trade and investment, the economic growth of China and ASEAN countries and the progress in poverty eradication. This article reviews the establishment of the CAFTA, summarizes the measures intrade and investment promotion and the cooperation in infrastructure construction; it analyzes the status quo of trade and investment between China and ASEAN countries and the economic influence and poverty reduction effect ofthe CAFTA. Finally, the article elaborates on the main challenges facing the CAFTA and puts forward policy suggestions. In the future, promotion of global connectivity and liberalization of trade and investment will remain a very effective way to reduce poverty.

從“貨幣三元悖論”到“金融三元悖論”—— 國際資本流動研究的新思路

範小云 劉 糧 陳 雷


關鍵詞:貨幣三元悖論 金融三元悖論 國際資本流動 金融穩定

From “Monetary Trilemma” to “Financial Trilemma”: A New Perspective of International Capital Flows

Fan Xiaoyun, Liu Liang and Chen Lei

This article analyzes the history of international finance and stresses that the new open macroeconomics is based on the assumption of “triple coincidence”, which is the coincidence of GDP area, currency area and decision-making unit. Policymakers have focused on the framework of “monetary trilemma”. The article argues that financial factors have become more and more important and points out shortcomings of the traditional framework. It further analyzes the“financial trilemma”, which involves relationship among financial globalization, financial policy independence and financial stability. The article proposes some new perspectives for looking at international capitalflows: (1) Breaking of the GDP area restriction; (2) International currencies taken into consideration; (3) The heterogeneity of decision-making units taken into consideration. It also suggests that more attention should be paid to the consolidated balance sheets of multinational banks and non-banking enterprises and gross capital flows should be analyzed to study the characteristics of liquidity and financial stability so that suggestions can be made for a country to implement appropriate prudential macromanagement to achieve domestic financial stability against the back drop of financial globalization and properly manage global banking liquidity.

新時代中國的對外貿易發展:機遇與挑戰—— 中國世界經濟學會國際貿易論壇(2018)學術研討會觀點綜述

邱 斌 張 亮 劉修巖 陳 健

Opportunities and Challenges in China’s Foreign Trade Development in

the New Era — Summary of the International Trade Forum (2018),

Organizedby the China Society of World Economics

Qiu Bin, Zhang Liang, Liu Xiuyan and Chen Jian

The International Trade Forum (2018), organized by China Society of World Economics, was held from April 14 to 15, 2018, in Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. The theme of the forum is China’s Foreign Trade Development in the New Era: Opportunities and Challenges.

