俄羅斯的豪華遊艇 Luxury boat in Russia

當今人們對於奢侈品的需求正在日益增長。一個發展中的行業就是豪華船製造業。 Demand for the luxury in growing.One of the expanding industry is luxury boats production.

新的公司歷來以提供豪華船建造出名。New companies constantly appear offering their serivce in luxury boat building.
一開始沒人有這方面的經驗,以至於蘇聯俄羅斯連續70年以來都沒有出現豪華船。Nobody had any experience first,there were no luxury boats in Soviet Russia for 70 years in a row.
後來一些製造商把西方照搬過來了,但是有一些則是以俄羅斯獨特的方式,有別於其他類型船隻,例如像這一個是給一個西伯利亞州長定做的。 So some manufacturers copy their works from the Western industry,but some go their unique,Russian way,
creating something looking not alike to any other,like this one made for one of the Siberian governors.