


❸Scanned copy of English language proficiency test score report. i.e. CET6, GMAT, GRE, TOFEL, IELTS or other official test score report


❹ Personal statement (in English). Please fill it in the system.


❺ 60-seconds video in English. Please upload according to system's instructions.


❻ 2 online recommendation letters

Recommenders can be a professor, student counselor, or supervisor from internship company and others. System will send email automatically to the recommenders.


❼ Scanned copy of additional materials if any

Additional materials including published essays or other certificates.



➤ Please merge all scanned files mentioned above into one PDF and upload inthe system. Otherwise new uploaded file will replace the former file.


Please scan the code or click on "read more"at the bottom to apply.


Link: http://regonline.saif.sjtu.edu.cn/apply/mf/mf19

One applicant can participate only one Mini-Camp.



The Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) was established by the Shanghai Municipal Government at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in April 2009. Its mission is to become a world class institute of research and higher learning with world class faculty. SAIF is committed to developing top talents for the financial world and to generate cutting-edge knowledge in financial theories and applications. In February 2016, SAIF became one of the youngest business schools to be accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB).


The Master of Finance (MF) program has been the flagship program at SAIF since it first matriculated students in 2009. In 2017, the SAIF MF program made a strong debut in the Financial Times' annual ranking of the best MF programs in the world, ranking 1st in Asia and 14th in the world. In terms of Salary Increase and Value for Money, SAIF MF program ranked 1st in Asia. Currently, SAIF MF stands as one of the most prestigious finance programs in Asia.

金融碩士項目(Master of Finance,簡稱MF)是上海交通大學上海高級金融學院(SAIF)的旗艦項目,自2009年起開始招生。2017年,英國《金融時報》公佈的金融碩士項目排名中,SAIF MF項目亞洲排名第1,全球排名第14,並一舉成為投資回報率、薪資漲幅方面排名亞洲第1的金融碩士項目。目前,SAIF MF 已成為亞洲最負盛名的金融碩士項目之一。