生活類原版英語這樣讀:Talk about you(1)

生活類原版英語這樣讀:Talk about you behind your back(1)






所以,要想從閱讀原版英語中讓你的“英語提高”最大化,你就必須這樣讀:用英語讀英語,“讀”英語就是“用”英語:Read by putting English into English,而不是“用”中文“讀”英語,“用”中文“讀懂”英語。




1. 必須是一口氣用英語作為“閱讀/默讀語言”讀下去。做到順暢的英語默讀一樣是在“用”英語。對於文中大多數“沒有什麼語言亮點”的地方用這種方式“帶過”即可。

2. 對於出現“語言亮點”處:Put English inti English,千萬莫Put English into Chinese喲,否則,你就是在浪費時間做所謂的“讀原版英語”,就跟在岸上“奮力學”游泳一個意思。



7 Ways To Deal When Your Friends Are Talking About You Behind Your Back


1.7 ways to react/to respond when your friends blablabla

2.Okay.To talk about someone behind his back.People are talking about you when you are not around,when you are away,when you won't hear them talking about you.Chinese has the same expression.

Not behind you,but behind your back.

I can say with absolute certainty that one of the worst feelings in the world is finding out that a good friend has been talking about you behind your back. Whether she’s spilling your secrets, spreading a false rumor or just complaining about you, it sucks to hear that someone you trust has been being nasty to you when you thought everything was a-okay.


1.When we say with absolute certainty, we can definitely say,it is 100%/definitely true to say

2. So,a good friend has been talking about you behind your back is a common thing that happens all over the world,in China,in the USA,too. So,don't be surprised at this.

3. spilling your secrets, spill the secrets,spill the secrets.

Well,I could only say:tell others /let others know the secrets between you and me, now I'll say he spills the secrets between you and me,a very good expression.

Don't spill our secret.Don't spill our secret.Keep it a secret for ever.

4. spreading a false rumor


When you spread a false rumor,you tell everybody you meet something that is not true,that is false.

你除了能把spread a false rumor“翻譯”成中文表示“讀懂”了,你能把它“翻譯”成上面的英語同樣表示“讀懂”嗎?


5. or just complaining about you, it sucks to hear that someone you trust has been being nasty to you“用”英語:Okay,everywhere in the world,when your friend talks about you behind your back,they usually do some of these nasty things,or sucking things:they spill your secrets,they spread a false rumor,or they just complain about you.