讀原版英語,你提升的是什麼英語能力?Car crash(1)

讀原版英語,你提升的是什麼英語能力?Car crash Part 1





1) 讀原版英語 Part One

'They're All Gone:' Car Crash Kills New Jersey Father and 4 Daughters, Leaving Mother Behind

A New Jersey mother was the only member of her family to survive a multi-car crash that occurred in Delaware on Friday and took the lives of her husband and four daughters.

Mary Rose Trinidad, her husband Audie Trinidad, 61 and their daughters — Kaitlyn, 20, Danna, 17, and 13-year-old twins Allison and Melissa —were driving on a Delaware highway in their minivan when a pickup truck going the opposite direction crossed over the median and slammed into their vehicle, ABC News 7 reported.

2) “輸出”英語:Put English into English

1. Well, They're All Gone means They are all dead,they all died,they all passed away

如果你只會把此處的They are all gone“讀”成中文意思,不能讀成英語die,be dead,pass away等英語,說明你還不具備閱讀原版英語必需的“英語能力”,還不適合讀原版英語。

2. Well, A Car Crash is a traffic accident.

A car hits another car, or runs into another car or slams into anotherr car(見下文)and people may be killed, or die,or injured.

3. Kills New Jersey Father and 4 Daughters, Leaving Mother Behind

Well,if a car crash leaves someone behind,that means he is not killed,he survives the crash. 見下句:A New Jersey mother was the only member of her family to survive a multi-car crash

如果你只會把此處的leave someone behind“讀”成中文,不能讀成英語survive,not killed,not die,說明你還不具備閱讀原版英語必需的“英語能力”,還不適合讀原版英語。

4. A New Jersey mother was the only member of her family to survive a multi-car crash that occurred in Delaware on Friday and took the lives of her husband and four daughters.

4a. Well,if you survive a car crash ,or an accident, that means you are killed, you are still alive in the accident.

4b. When two or more cars crash into one another,or each other, that is a multi-car crash,also called a chain crash,or piled-up crash.

4c.that occured means that happened, that took place

4d.When we want to say someones dies, we may say:He dies, he is killed, he is gone,the accident takes his life.

5. and 13-year-old twins Allison and Melissa

Well,if you and your brother or sister were born at (almost) the same time, then you are called twins.

6.A minivan is a small bus that can sits around 6 to 7 people/passangers/riders —

7. crossed over the median:Well,a median is in the middle of the roads that divides,or seperates the expressway,or the road into two parts




To be continued in Part Two