




1.reach an impasse: 遭遇窘境

2.childhood issues:童年的問題

3.be a natural at sth.:擅長做某事

4.roll the dice:滾篩子

5.be pedantic:迂腐的

6.look on the bright side:從積極的一面看問題

7.choke on sth:吃...噎到

8.have a little spat:口水戰(sheldon一直樂此不疲的)

9.take your mind off those things:不要再想這些問題

10.back off:讓開

11.be itching to do sth:渴望做某事

12.have the guts to do:有勇氣做某事(eg.Raj will never have the guts to

talk to hot girls.)

13.pick up on all her little hints:領會她的某些暗示

14.be a little peeved:耍脾氣

15.build an empire with sb from the ground:與某人一起白手起家

16.It's a sign:這是註定的

17.drift out:開小差(字面意思:汽車移滑 =half-listening/half-minded)

18.blend in:融入圈子

19.put yourself down:擺平自己(=swallow your pride)

20.I‘m a little on edge:我剛有點激動,不耐煩(貌似是sheldon說的)

21.It baffles me:...讓我不解(sheldon常說)

22.miss speaking for the couple now:妻管嚴(Haward說Penny 和Leonard)

23.obnoxious and insufferable:又討厭又難以忍受(好像是Leonard說Sheldon)

24.expel sb from the country:把某人從國家驅逐出去(Raj)

25.Be deported:被驅逐

26.on trial:在實驗中或者受審

27.lose my cool:哥不淡定了(這麼覺得這能Sheldon 能說出來)

28.run into a dead end:死路一條

29.be adept at reading facial cues:擅長察言觀色(from Sheldon )

30.conjugal visit:夫妻之間的訪問

31.I'm the third wheel:我是電燈泡

32.make a pact:約法三章

33.pull strings:套近乎

34.maternity leave:產假

35.buckle down:認真做事或者扣緊


37.future appears to be bleak:前途慘淡

38.What stakes do you propose:你和我賭神馬?

39.you have a wager:你有賭注了

40.ironic doesn't agree with me:我不喜歡諷刺

41.shack up with sb:與某人同居

42.first come, first serve:先到先得

43.take the pressure off:卸下壓力

44.fix on the trivial:為小事糾結(Leonard 形容Sheldon)

45.in a moment filled with biblical resonance:醍醐灌頂

46.self-criticism and repentance:自我批評和後悔

47.catch a break:休息一下

48.buoy my spirit:振奮精神

49.lessen your discomfort:減輕你的不適

50.ground-breaking strikes:極大的打擊

51.career trajectory has taken a minor detour:職業道路有點偏差

52.with a docterate:獲得博士學位(eg.Haward is the only men who does not possess a doctrate.)

53.be a godsend:及時雨

54.I am engineered:我是試管嬰兒

55.one's life revolve around:某人的生活以...為中心

56.be wiped clean:一乾二淨了

57.beneath the exterior,there are cracks:在貌似完好的外表下充滿了危機

58.cool off :冷靜下來

59.Mull over:考慮

60.go off on the wrong foot:有些誤解

61.I'm in no position to do:我沒有打算去做

62.I don't possess the tool of leadership:我不擅長領導

63.pipe dream:白日夢

64.deploy out on a mission:為一個任務差遣

65.old prank:常用的笑話-fall for one of sheldon's old pranks

66.hover over my head:在我腦袋中盤旋

67.telephone is unlisted:沒有存電話

68.sullen teenage daughter:沉悶的處於青春期的女兒

69.I'm on fire:我狀態超好

70.be within earshot:還在聽力範圍之內

71.bonus question:附加題

72.propose an enormous undertaking:費了很大精力

73.I'm not good with cold:我怕冷

74.descend into anarchy:衰退至無政府狀態


76.zip your hole:把嘴閉上

77.make small talk:閒聊

78.get me wrong:誤解我

79.get your mind off this:別再想這個了

80.What do you say?:你覺得呢?

81.blissful evening:美妙的夜晚

82.mouthwash:漱口水 body wash:沐浴液 hair conditioner:護髮素

83.catch up with you:跟上你

84.ravish me:蹂躪我吧

85.break dancer:噼啪舞者

86.housewarming gift:搬家禮物

87.a little bubbles forming on the corners of one's


88.outearn sb:比某人掙錢多

89.assembly line:流水線

90.be condescening:屈尊的

91.take a nap:小睡一會


93.head off:扼殺

94.quench our thirst:遏制渴望

95.pull together:齊心協力(Penny做頭花那集)

96.can't-miss smypossium:不可錯過的論壇會

97.get a shot=take a shot:試一試

98.creep sb out:噁心某人

99.be disproportionate to my physical stature:和我體型不成比例

100.unmitigated disaster:為緩解的災難

101.flash drive:優盤

102.slumdog millionare:平民窟的百萬富翁

103.small package good things:濃縮就是精華(Leonard形容自己)


105.black out:暈倒

106.pop into my head:在我的腦海中出現

107.go black:失去意識


109.intrude on:侵犯

110.take it personally:別介意

111.be too hard on sb:對某人太苛刻

112.be louging on a sofa:在沙發上懶散得躺著

113.enlighten sb:啟發某人

114.never-ending stream of:永無止境的

115.find out sound:潤嗓子

116.menopausal symptoms:更年期

117.perky:活潑(penny 去試鏡)

118.be tempted:被...吸引

119.smooth talker:擅長談話的人

120.despite a hard and crusty shell, he is a sensitive men:在堅強的外表下,他是一個內心敏感的人

121.nuture it and make it shine:培養它

122.get over oneself:別自以為是

123.call it off:取消

124.get braces off:把牙套去掉

125.my hubris and my pride:我的自以為是和驕傲

126.a little carried away:有點過分

127.you pick up on that:你看穿了

128.hit it off:合得來

129. be behind on one's bill:手頭緊

130.move a conversation forward:推進談話

131.get off my case:別管我

132.It's my treat:我請客

133.takeout food:外帶


135.The die has been cast:木已成舟

136.bring it on yourself:自找

137.lay the following conundrum at your feet:自找困難

138.conversation opener:開場白

139.slide over one:坐座位向旁邊移一個

140.tell on sb:打小報告(Leonard向Sheldon他媽)

141.that is big of you:氣量大(Penny形容Sheldon)

142.well played:夠狠(Sheldon 和PeNNY 鬥那集)


144.put it on the agenda:放在行程中

145.put it on mute:放靜音

146.take a stand:明確立場

147.rever sb:崇拜某人(Sheldon的女學生)

148.You are so witty:你真狡猾

149.it tickles:癢癢

150.doze off:打瞌睡

151.I'M On a roll:人氣高

152.hassle with:與...鬥爭

153.my door is open:我隨時歡迎你

154.weep for:流淚

155.second-rate mind/lesser mind/mediocro mind:智商一般的(Sheldon說爛了都)

156.I'm close to a breadthrough:我差點就破記錄了

157.lower a bar:降低標準

158.flaunt one's success:炫耀某人的成功


160.be rife with:充滿了

161.crash to the ground:化為灰燼

162.make oneself scarce:溜走

163.make pee-pee:尿尿

164.screen people out:篩選人

165.snort of derision:嘲諷的聲音

166.shore up self-esteen:建立起自尊

167.I'll take the bullit:我先試吧

168.spy on sb:監視某人

169.sb is a close talker:善於交談的人

170.get on my nerve:惹毛我了

171.cross my mind:出現在我的腦海中

172.I don't kown where I am:我不知道自己所處的位置

173.We are a good fit:我倆很合適

174.she speaks my language:她和我是一路人

175.be at each other's throat:看對方不順眼

176.hobnob with people :與人過分親近

177.beat our brains out:絞盡腦汁

178.make a habit of it:形成習慣

179.dwell on:總想著

180.go off:走火

181.Life I envisioned/pictured for us:我所預想的生活

182. be meant for each other:天生的一對

183.have a yen for me:對我蠢蠢欲動

184.thoughts started taking precedence over feeling:理性戰勝利感性

185.as the last days expired:隨著剩下幾天慢慢消逝

186.keep options open:保持自由身(Leonard描述他和penny的交往)

187.hook up with sb:與某人交往

188.Are you high:你喝高了麼?

189.hold out for rediculous fatasy:堅持無聊的幻想

190.I do not judge a book by its cover,I'am interested in the person underneath:我不會以貌取人

191.masturbatory fantasies:YY

192.fiddle with oneself:擺弄自己

193.sink to his level:降低到他的水平

194.the more,the merrier:人越多,越好

195.play innocent with:裝清純

196.put it on vibrant:調成振動

197.take some sense into you:調教調教你

198.remarkable and highachieving:有卓越成就的(Sheldon諷刺Penny沒學問時)

199.at length:詳細的
