
目前在從事教練工作的唐娜,淡出了健美舞臺,可是她從來沒有離開過健美,從她手上帶出來許許多多的健美徒弟,正所謂名師出高徒,最近唐娜在網站上Po出自己的舊照片,言語中透露著想要回歸舞臺,讓我們走進百大冠軍86期:Donna Mcginn(健體):這是我的一張訓練成果照片。我猜是在2016年。A progress pic from someday I did. I'm guessing 2016.

好奇我自己現在的樣子,不能和當時相提並論。哈哈!我知道我的背闊肌和豎立肌可以更好。Wonder what I'd look like now if I leaned the heck out again. Lol!I know my lats and erectors would be better.

為了享受而進步。我一直享受著每一個進步,直到比賽的一天。特別是周圍的正能量。Progress for the sake of enjoyment.I always enjoyed every step of the progress leading up to competition day. Especially with the right support around me.

但我的努力並不是為了比賽而比賽。對於許多超級疲倦的健美選手來說,比賽可是一個漫長的過程。But was never a fan of competition day. It can be a long drawn out day for a lot of super tired competitors.

而現在,有些比賽耗時半個星期,且在一個類別中就要花費數百美元。And now some of these shows are half a week long and cost amatures several hundred dollars to compete in 1 category.

我甚至沒提到準備成本,亦或是女子比賽的服裝,現在可能要花1000多美元。I'm not even talking about what prep costs,or a womans suit. That can be in the $1000's now.

也許有一天,我感覺對的時候,我會再次踏上健美舞臺。Maybe someday I'll step on stage again when I find the right motivation.

但現在,我喜歡和朋友們一起訓練,不斷地從各種渠道中學習,來完善自己,並幫助別人登上舞臺。But right now, I'm enjoying training with my friends, constantly learning from a variety of sources to perfect my craft, and helping others get to thestage.