OMG! “不客氣”的英語你居然只會 you're welcome?!

be/go on the fritz:

if something is or goes on the fritz, it is not working correctly 出故障

My TV is on the fritz. 我的電視機出故障了。----有道英語

heat up: When you heat something up, especially food which has already been cooked and allowed to go cold, you make it hot. 把…加熱

"Maybe we could heat up some chicken?" (點炸雞吃怎麼樣?)----美劇《家有正太》

"It'll only take a few minutes to heat up." (只需再花幾分鐘加熱一下)----美劇《家有正太》

in a jiffy: 一會;馬上;不一會兒;一下子;

"In a jiffy the two boats were in a terrible tangle." (剎那間兩艘船便可怕地糾纏到一起了)----《精靈鼠小弟》

"We'll be there in a jiffy." (我們馬上


butt in: If you say that someone is butting in, you are criticizing the fact that they are joining in a conversation or activity without being asked to. 責備他人插進別人的談話或活動

Sorry, I don't mean to butt in. 對不起,我不是故意要插一槓子。----有道英語

"Listen, honestly, I'm not trying to butt in." (聽著,老實說,我不想插手


no problem: 我們在學校學的意思是沒有問題,但是口語中常表示不客氣;

---"Thanks for teaching me how to lie." (謝謝你教我如何說謊)

---“No problem." 不用客氣)----美劇《老友記》


No problem! Join us again soon for The English We Speak." (不客氣!請記得收聽下一期地道英語節目)

That's all for today

March 20, 2018. XOXO