
premise 美 [ˈpremɪs]:

a statement or idea that you accept as true and use as a base for developing other ideas 前提

"I do think premise one is true." (我認為前提一是成立的)----《耶魯大學公開課》

irredeemable 美 [,ɪrɪ'diməbl]: too bad to be corrected, repaired, or saved 〔因太糟而〕不能糾正的;無法補救的;不可救藥的;

jumble: a lot of different things mixed together in an untidy way, without any order 混亂的一團,雜亂的一堆

"The jumble of information does not reveal a perfectly clear picture." (該報告信息繁雜,並未展現出一幅完美的清晰圖景)----《經濟學人----國際》

"Around the front door lay a jumble of rubber boots and a very rusty cauldron." (大門旁扔著一些高幫皮靴,還有一口鏽跡斑斑的坩堝)----《哈利波特與密室》

tough but fair 字面直譯是嚴厲但是公平,讓人難以接受但是合理的,也就是我們的古話忠言逆耳了。

expression: a word or group of words with a particular meaning 詞;詞組;措辭

"That doesn't meaning anything. It's just an expression." (這話根本沒啥意義,只是種說法)----美劇《破產姐妹》

That's all for today

April 19, 2018. XOXO