

to understand how serious or important a situation or problem is or what someone’s feelings are 理解,明白

He did not fully appreciate the significance of signing the contract. 他沒有完全理解簽署這份合同的意義。----有道英語

sentiment: an opinion or feeling you have about something 意見,觀點,感想

"It's a nice sentiment. Saved it for what?" (這麼挺好,但是為什麼救它呢?)----《復仇者聯盟》

"Well, that's a very laudable sentiment, Your Excellency." (閣下,你這個想法值得稱頌)----《到也門釣鮭魚》

hit the headlines: to be reported widely on television, in newspapers etc 成為頭條新聞

hit the big time: to suddenly become very famous, successful, and rich 突然成名;突然發跡

所以口語中為了簡潔也會直接說 hit, this thing is a hit 可以理解為這個事情會一炮而紅,hit 就是一炮而紅;

as you can see 正如你所見;

progress 美 ['prɑɡrɛs]: the process of getting better at doing something, or getting closer to finishing or achieving something 進步;進展

"If the crowd tries to impede your progress." (如果人群嘗試阻止你們前進)----《聖經故事》

"So where do the two sides seem to be making progress?" (那雙方會在哪些方面

取得進展?)----NPR News

swift: happening or done quickly and immediately 迅速的;立刻的

"Will you make it a swift death or a painful one?" (你選擇快速死去還是痛苦地死去?)----美劇《紙牌屋》

"Obama is urging swift and credible action by the international community." (奧巴馬敦促國際社會迅速採取有效行動)----AP News

That's all for today

May 7, 2018. XOXO