地道美語!英語 big shot 指的是什麼人呢?

can't help it. 無奈;情非得以;愛莫能助;

But whenever I think of him or see him, I can't help it, I smile. 但是,無論何時我想起他或看到他,我會情不自禁的微笑。----有道英語

buy someone a drink 字面意思是給某人買個酒,也就是請某人喝酒;

drink: an alcoholic drink 酒,酒精飲料;

"Shall we have a drink?" (我們喝一杯怎麼樣?)----《加勒比海盜》

"I'll go with the mystery fruit drink." (我來喝這個神秘的果酒)----《艾倫秀》

"We also often say “a drink" to mean an alcoholic drink such as beer." (我們也會稱之為“a drink",指的是酒類,如啤酒)----BBC News

stand-up: stand-up comedy involves one person telling jokes alone as a performance〔喜劇〕單人表演的,也就是我們平常說的單口相聲。

big shot: someone who has a lot of power or influence in a company or an area of business 要人,大人物;有權勢的人;用我們現在的網絡熱詞來說可以翻譯成大咖。

"According to your neighbors, you are some big shot." (據你鄰居說,你可是個大人物)----美劇《芝加哥警署》

"You might be a big shot on Olympus." (也許你在奧林匹斯山很威風)----《波西傑克遜與神火之盜》

That's all for today

April 9, 2018. XOXO