
《教父1》: I spent a lifetime learning to be careful, women and children can be careless, but men can not。我花了一輩子學會了一件事,就是小心。女人和孩子不必這樣,男人不行。

《華爾街》: Don't lose and run. Don't complain! 不要輸了就跑,也不要疼了就抱怨。
《環形使者》: It seems everyone is like this, pretentious, but insignificant。 這似乎是個普遍現象,每個人都自命不凡,卻又無足輕重
《霍比特人》: Home is already behind, the world is doingIn front of eyes 家園近在咫尺,世界就在眼前。
《三傻大鬧寶萊塢》: I lived my life and made a lifetime of others, just once, let me do it myself。 我以前做了一輩子別人,就這一次,請讓我做回自己。
《勇敢的心》: Everyone will die, but not everyone really lives。 每個人都會面對死亡,但不是每個人都真正活過。
《忠犬八公的故事》: The distance between life and death is not understandable for a dog. It only believes that his master will return。 對於一條狗來說,它參不透生死,但它相信,它的主人一定會平安回來。
《傲慢與偏見》: Not all of us are romantic。 不是我們所有人,都會擁有浪漫。