

61. 我們老人之家需要幫助。

We need help at the _ _ _.

62. 這是輕鬆又簡單的。

It is _ and _.

63. 從夜裡十二點到早上六點鐘。

_ twelve o'clock at _ _ six o'clock in the morning.

64. 我有時打半個小時的籃球。

I _ play basketball for half _ _.

65. 在晚上,我要麼看電視,要麼玩電腦遊戲。

In the evening, I _ watch TU _ play computer games.

66. 那是很好的鍛鍊。祝你過得愉快。

It's good _. _ _ _ _.

67. 在他們得學校和村莊之間有一條很大的河。

There is a big river _ their school _ the village.

68. 亮亮,一個11歲的男孩,每個上學日過河上學。

One _ boy, Liangliang, _ the river every school day.

69. 現在起床並整理你的床鋪。

Get up now and _ _ _.

70. 看電視之前我必須先讀書。

I must _ a book before I can _ _.

71. 我知道你的感受。

I know _ you _.

72. 父母和學校有時是嚴格的,但是記住,他們制定規章制度是為了幫助我們。

Parents and school _ sometimes _ , but _, they make rules to help us.

73. 祝你好運!

Good _.

74. 熊貓是中國的象徵之一。

The panda is one of China's _.

75. 它們也能記住有食物和水的地方。

They can also remember _ with food and _.

76. 朱輝非常喜歡紐約和他的寄宿家庭,但是“千好萬好還是不如自己的家好”。

Zhu Hui likes New York and his host family _ _, but there's _ "no place _ home".

77. How's your summer _ _?

78. 這兒的天氣涼爽且多雲,正適合散步。

The weather here is _and _, _ _ _ walking.

79. 再見!

See you _.

80. 我也在拜訪我的一些朋友們。

I'm also visiting _ _ my old friends.


61. old People's home.

62. relaxing easy.

63. from to night.

64. sometimes an hour.

65. either or.

66. exercise have a good day.

67. between and.

68. 11-year-old crosses.

69. make your bed.

70. read watch TU.

71. how feel.

72. are strict remember.

73. luck.

74. symbols.

75. places water.

76. a lot still like.

77. vacation going.

78. cool cloudy just right for.

79. soon.

80. some of.