Tom 惹了誰:三個俚語

Peeping Tom

As the story goes, the Earl of Coventry would only grant his wife Lady Godiva’s request to relieve the people of a heavy tax burden if she streaked naked on horseback through town (totally logical!). As she gallantly streaked by, only one historic perv could not avert his eyes: Tom. Thus, “Peeping Tom” was born. Luckily, historic justice was served: Legend has it Tom was cast blind before he could see anything.

有個故事說,考文垂的伯爵答應他的妻子:如果她敢裸體騎馬過街,就給平民免稅。在她騎馬飛奔經過時,只有一個人忍不住偷看,這個人叫Tom。the peeping Tom 偷窺後受到天懲瞎了眼。後來,所有的偷窺狂都稱為 the Peeping Toms。


The police caught a Peeping Tom right outside their house.


(every/any)Tom, Dick or Harry

The earliest known citation is from the 17th-century English theologian John Owen who used the words in 1657. Owen told a governing body at Oxford University that "our critical situation and our common interests were discussed out of journals and newspapers by every Tom, Dick and Harry."

最早用這個詞的是17世紀英國神學家John Owen,1657年Owen對牛津大學的管理者說:“現在討論我們迫切形勢和共同利益的,不是報紙雜誌,而是一些無足輕重的人。”Tom, Dick and Harry用來指“任何人”、“隨便什麼人”。相當於我們說“阿貓阿狗的人”。


The golf club is very exclusive. They don't let any Tom, Dick, or Harry join.


An Uncle Tom

First Known Use: 1852. Uncle Tom is a pious and faithful black slave in Uncle Tom's Cabin (1851–52) by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncle Tom is an insulting word for a black person who the speaker thinks shows too much respect for white people. This word is used especially by other black people.

最早出自Harriet Beecher Stowe的小說《湯姆大叔的小屋》,Uncle Tom是一個虔誠的、忠實的黑奴。Uncle Tom由此成為一個帶有羞辱性的詞,指那些討好白人的黑人。使用此意的,以其他黑人居多。(也引申為“攀附權勢的人”)


To many Asian-Americans, Charlie Chan is an offensive stereotype, another sort of Uncle Tom.
