兩個立方體構建的奇趣住宅 Duplex Tibbaut in Spain

設計 \ Design:Raúl Sánchez

攝影 \ Photography Credits:José Hevia

項目位於巴塞羅那拉瓦爾區的中心,是一棟上下兩層的老式住宅樓,因為年久失修十分衰敗,在樓群之中毫不起眼。業主委託Raul Sanchez Architects進行空間重塑,希望將上層空間用來居住和休息,而下層空間則作為工作、學習、休閒的綜合功能區。

The starting point was two independent dwellings on top of each other on the ground floor and mezzanine of a modest, old apartment building between dividing walls in the heart of the Raval (Barcelona). Both dwellings were in an absolute state of neglect and disrepair. The client's requirement was to concentrate the main living spaces on the mezzanine floor and expand them on the ground floor with other spaces with more diffuse functions that could be used as living room, study, work area.

▲空間視覺主體 The Boxes


The proposal is clear and direct: in the middle of the space, insert two 2-meter side squares rotated 45º over the dominant axis, their vertices overlapping without touching the original walls, and extruded through both floors. A simple and resounding arrangement in which two ideal shapes, two perfect extruded squares, are imposed on the existing irregularity and arrange all the floor space without the need for any other means or elements.

▲空間軸測圖 Axon


One of the squares will hold the stairs communicating both floors, and the other will house the bedroom on the upper floor and the toilet and office spaces on the ground floor. The very rotation of these squares results in the specialization of the space around it without needing any additional doors or enclosures (except those that provide the required privacy to bathrooms and bedrooms), since the new volumes, as they approach and move away from the perimeter walls, define these areas.

▲入口門廳 Entrance Floor

▲浴室 Bathroom

設計重點在於強調空間的平衡,用前衛的設計規劃合理的功能分區和空間動線。 樓梯間的外部以方形量體展示,內部則螺旋上升,用造型的對比引導體驗者的情緒變化。多軸線對稱的設定強調出空間的循環動線,同時增強了空間感的表達。

The proposal's emphasis runs parallel to the sought-after inner spatial complexity and a firm intention to underplay the different areas and circulation. Thus, the stairs are enclosed in one of the volumes, and their spiral pattern aims to disorient and conceal to surprise at the landings; for the same purpose, there are multiple axes of symmetry that double up circulation and enhance the spatial experience.

▲樓梯間 Staircase


The highly reinforced top floor structure is cut off before touching the façade to reach it with a glazed floor pane, linking both floors, and thus isolating the existing façade wall, including the outer sliding carpentry are placed in that wall’s interior plane; no element touches the volumes, which are read independently inside, ending just before they touch the ceiling.

▲廚房及餐廳 Kitchen and Dining Room

▲ 對視空間 The View Connection


the enclosed bathroom area on the upper floor, the most isolated and private of the whole, mirrors and unfolds its negative space, a double-height empty area linking both floors; lights, door knobs, shower heads, drains……all elements replicate the 45° turn with respect to the surface where they are inserted ……

▲ 臥室 Bedroom

▲ 衛生間 Bathroom


The treatment of colors and materials highlights the two extruded volumes, which are coated in glossy, gold finish paint mixed with gold powder and varnished, surrounded by white cladding (microcement and paint) covering and coating the existing perimeters. The inside of the staircase, dug into one of the volumes, is a dark world of black contrasting with the exterior whites, just as the bed area in the bedroom, excavated into another of the volumes and covered with painted OSB wood boards and varnished in black. The door frames (all glass) and openings are either brass or black steel, depending on the area to which they give access; hinges and handles are also brass or chrome……

▲ 空間色調 The Treatment of The Color


From the outset, the structural intervention required overhauling the foundation, high precision in placing the central squares, as well as the precise cutting of the existing wooden beams for the openings and double heights. The cut wooden beams either rest on the new steel porticos or lean on the lower wing of the new beams, always for the purpose of allowing the clean extrusion of the squares.

▲牆畫 Paintings


On the ground floor, three existing paintings of Brazilian origin have been preserved, and the proposed inside circulation places them right at the stairs exit. These paintings are the reason the client, of Brazilian origin herself, initially decided to buy these two properties and undertake the project.

模型 Model

平面圖 Plan

立面圖 Section

項目名稱 / Project:Duplex Tibbaut

設計公司 / Studio:Esrawe Studio

建築設計 / Architect:Raúl Sánchez

實習助理 / Architecture Interns:Pau Just / Victor Lorente

工程配合 / Engineering:Marés ingenieros

結構配合 / Structure:Francisco Moyano

項目攝影 / Photographer:José Hevia

建築面積 / Built Area:110㎡

項目預算 / Budget:125.000€

完工時間 / Time of Completion:2017.08

項目地址 / Address:巴塞羅那Raval neighborhood (Barcelona)

Raúl Sánchez

Raul Sanchez Architects

Raul Sanchez建築工作室由建築師Raúl Sánchez成立於巴塞羅那,專注於建築與室內設計。Raúl Sánchez畢業於西班牙格拉納達的建築學院,2005年開始在巴塞羅那居住和工作,併成功拓展了一套不拘泥於條條框框的設計之路,在建築設計、城市規劃、室內設計、資源整理,以及思想和技術統籌等方向均有涉獵,並不斷迎接新的挑戰。

Raul Sanchez Architects is an architecture and design practice based in barcelona, founded by Raúl Sánchez. Raúl Sánchez (Linares, 1978) graduated architect from the architecture school in Granada, Spain. Since 2005 resides and works in Barcelona developing a professional activity which escapes specialization in order to cover all types of work and projects related to architecture, urbanism, design, and resources, ideas and techniques management. Regardless of the type, scale, location or budget, every new work is a new challenge.