李小龍親筆信 書於1964年4月4日

李小龍親筆信  書於1964年4月4日


這封信的寫作背景是當時美國大規模派兵前往越南,後來這封信並沒有收入1998年出版的李小龍信件合集《Letters Of Dragon:Correspondence》中,是在後來的拍賣會被公佈出來。

李小龍師祖寫信給自己一位極有武術抱負的弟子 Gene Snelling,信封上的原始郵戳顯示是從西雅圖寄來的,時間是1964年4月4日, Gene Snelling也即將被派往越南。

李小龍親筆信  書於1964年4月4日


李小龍親筆信  書於1964年4月4日

師祖還談到5月2日會參加加州Alameda的示威活動,如果 Gene Snelling也在活動地附近的話,可以到嚴鏡海的地址去找他,1號到三號整個週末師祖都將在那裡讀過。接下來的今年夏天師祖可能會去多倫多教拳兩週,順便去紐約參加世界博覽會,張安邦猜想應該是後來8月2日在長提的“國際空手道錦標賽”,擔任表演嘉賓。至於師祖提及的夏天會去多倫多教拳兩週未能成行,前因後果待考。同年6月,23歲的李小龍師祖遷居奧克蘭,開啟新時代,這是後話。

全信共計三頁信紙,頁數為7.25英寸x 10.5英寸,筆跡粗體,用氈尖筆書寫,回信地址是華盛頓西雅圖大學路上的振藩國術館。




Dear Gene, Your letter arrived [at] the Institute to-day, and I have to say I am impressed by your enthusiasm. / The Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute of Seattle began only six months ago. The aim is to teach the true ‘Way’ of Gung Fu all over the U.S. At present the Institute has around 45 students and meet 3 times a week – Tues. & Thurs. night 8-9:30 p.m. and Sunday morning 10-11:30 a.m. / Gung Fu means discipline and training toward the ultimate Reality of the object – be it on health promotion, on mind cultivation, or on self-protection. / No distinction is made to separate between the opponent and the self because the opponent is but the complementary part of oneself. There is then no conquering, struggling or dominating, but to fit harmoniously one’s movement into that of the opponent (when he expands, you contract; when he contracts, you expand, each being the cause and result of the other.) There is then a ‘oneness’ result. / The closer to the source of true martial art, the less wastage of movement there is, and a good Gung Fu man is a simplifier – to express the utmost in the minimum of motion and energy. Thus profound simplicity, not fundamental, is the key word and simplicity, by the way, is the natural result of the highest cultivation. This simplicity is the last stage of art. / The highest stage occurs when a person is devoided of self-consciousness and his feeling and experience expresses himself freely. The actions will be being so of themselves without straining or striving. / I’m invited to give a demonstration in Calif. next month (May 2) in Alameda. If you happen to be some-where near by you can look me up in James Lee’s address. I’ll be there from May 1-May 3 for the weekend. This summer I might g to Toronto and teach for two weeks and will stop by for the World’s Fair at N.Y. so if opportunity arrives, maybe we can meet each other. / Sincerely / Bruce J.F. Lee”.

