八下 U4 How can we become good learners? (B) 知識點歸納


1. increase(n.) 增加; 增長 → Increased (adj.) 增加了的

2 ability(n.) 能力;才能 → able (adj.) 能力的

3.create(v.)創造;創建 →creative (adj.) 有創造力的

4. active(adj.) 活躍的; 積極的 → activity (n.) 活動

5 review (n.) 複習 → go over (同義詞組)

6. knowledge(不可數名詞)知識;學問→know(v.)瞭解,知道

7 wisely(adj.)明智地;聰明地→wise明智的


1. create an interest in 激發某方面的興趣

2. develop study skills 形成學習技巧

3 increase one' s reading speed 提高閱讀速度

4. make mistakes 出錯; 犯錯誤

make mistake in. 在……方面犯錯誤/出錯

5 In grammar 在語法方面

6. get.. right 使……正確; 糾正…

7. join an English club加入 英語俱樂部

8. be born with 天生具有……; 與生俱來

be born with the ability與生俱來的能力

9. the ability to do sth.做某事的能力

10. whether or not 是否

11. depend on 依靠, 依賴於

12.have…in common 有…共同之處

13. be interested in = take an interest in 對----感興趣

14. pay attention to 注意……;關注…

15. connect…….with 把…和……連接或聯繫起來

16. get bored 厭煩

17. think about 考慮……;思考……

18. be good at 擅長……

19. be afraid of 害怕…

20. learn from 向……學習; 從……中學習

learn from one's mistakes 從錯誤中吸取教訓

21. write down 寫下; 記下

22. key words 關鍵詞

23. look for… 尋找…

24. explain…to… 向……解釋

25, ask questions during or after class 課上或課後提問題

26, ask each other 相互詢問

27. find out 找出; 查明

28. be stressed out 緊張的; 有壓力的

29. on one's own = by oneself = alone 單獨地;獨立地

30. bit by bit一點一點地

31. instead of 代替; 而不是

32. at once 立刻

33. over and over again一遍一遍地;反覆地

34. even if 即使; 儘管; 縱然

35. draw mind maps 畫思維導圖


1. I don't know how to increase my reading speed. 我不知道如何提高我的閱讀速度。

2. I often make mistakes in grammar. 我經常在語法方面出錯。

3.I don't have a partner to practice English with. 我沒有一位練習英語的夥伴。

4. Everyone is born with the ability to learn.每個人天生都有學習的能力。

5. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.


6. He succeeded by trying many times and learning from his mistakes.


7. Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting.


8. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

9. They may take notes by writing do own key words or by drawing mind maps.


10. Knowledge comes from questioning. 知識源於質疑。

11. They are not afraid of making mistakes. 他們不害怕出錯。

12. Even if you learn something well, you will forget it unless you use it


13.I practice my listening by listening to he tape over and over again until I can understand everything.


Are you stressed out each time you have a test? 你每次考試都緊張嗎?


Ⅰ. 根據句意,用括號內所給單詞的適當形式填空。

1. The price of eggs ____ (increase) last week.

2. All the teachers think Peter is ___ (active) in class.

3. Can you tell me the ____ (pronounce) of the word?

4. In this game, each of you needs two other people as your ____ (partner).

5. Remember ____ (review) the words you learned yesterday.

Ⅱ. 根據句意及所給漢語提示,完成下列句子,每空詞數不限。

1. Sally’s doctor asked her to ____ (注意) her eating habits.

2. May I ____ him ____ (把……和……聯繫起來) this matter?

3. John often ____ (犯錯誤) in his writing.

4. How to get there ____ (取決於) where you live.

5. Tom told me something about what he ____(擅長).

Ⅲ. 根據漢語意思完成英語句子,每空一詞。

1. 用這種方法我提高了我的閱讀速度。

In this way, I increased my ____ ___.

2. 我認為他沒有支付能力。

I don’t think he has the ___ ___ ___.

3. 王華和她的好朋友有共同的愛好。

Wang Hua and her good friend ___ hobbies ___ ___.

4. 他們通過進行多次實驗才成功。

They ____ ____ ____the experiment many times.

5. 丁俊有記住所學東西的獨特方法。

Ding Jun has special ways to remember ____ ____ ____ ____.

6. 熟能生巧。____ ____ ____.


Ⅰ. 1. increased 2. active 3. pronunciation

4. partners 5. to review

Ⅱ. 1. pay attention to 2. connect; with

3. makes mistakes 4. depends on 5. was good at

Ⅲ. 1. reading speed 2. ability to pay

3. have; in common 4. succeeded by doing

5. what he has learned / learnt

6. Practice makes perfect

八下 U4 How can we become good learners? (B) 知識點歸納

