建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所



▼工坊概覽,overview ©王子凌

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所

Hengzhang Village is located in Dadongba Town, Songyang County. The village has a long history and preserves lots of cultral relics and historical sites. The old oil workshop at the village entrance was built over one hundred years ago. This traditional wooden structure & rammed-earth wall building sits on a sunken site next to a creek, houses a water-powered trip-hammer, two sets of wooden oil expeller, a corner kitchen and a mezzanine lounge. The Workshop also served as a shared milling facility for villagers but has been abandoned for decades.

▼從溪流望向工坊,view to the workshop building from the creek ©王子凌

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所

▼下沉的場地,a sunken site ©王子凌

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所


In October 2017, an extension plan has been programmed to reutilize the oil workshop as production and leisure space for both the village community and tourists, and also as an architectural acupuncture strategy to revitalize this traditional village.

▼軸測分析圖,axonometric diagram

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所

項目保留主體建築和室內的木製設備。空間向外擴張在側面形成廚房和產品包裝空間。室外的休閒涼亭提供了面向山澗的觀景平臺。外圈擴建部分包裹圍繞老工坊,外牆直接使用溪澗卵石,作為周邊梯田和溪水自然景色的延續。石牆沿用當地常用的做法, 即將卵石對半剖切砌成平整牆面,同時暴露卵石內部質感和顏色,和老舊的夯土牆形成對比,在工坊新舊層次間不斷創造裡與外的轉換。

▼外牆使用溪澗卵石,延續了梯田和溪水的自然景色,the structure is wrapped by masonry walls to create a continuous landscape with the terrace fields and the creek ©王子凌

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所

The extension started by preserving the main building and the interior wooden machinery. The program also expanded out to a kitchen and a packing space on the side, and a leisure pavilion with viewing platform by the creek. These new additions are traditional “Mortise and Tenon” wooden structure, and wrapped by masonry walls to create a continuous landscape with the terrace fields and the creek.

▼石牆和老舊的夯土牆形成對比,the masonry walls contrast with the old rammed earth walls ©王子凌

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所

▼工作和生產空間,production area ©王子凌

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所

▼項目保留主體建築和室內的木製設備,the extension started by preserving the main building and the interior wooden machinery ©王子凌

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所


The articulation of roof system not only creates a roof-scape of different functions, but also introduces natural light into each space. The construction is done by local building material and technique. This allows building to fit with both context and limited acupunctural budget.

▼以自然光照亮的生產空間,the spaces of the workshop are illuminated by natural lights ©王子凌

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所

▼室內細部,interior detailed view ©王子凌

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所

▼在新舊層次間創造裡與外的轉換,to create the transition between interior and exterior through the layers of old and new

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所

▼首層平面圖,first floor plan

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所

▼二層平面圖,second floor plan

建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所


建築每日一例——徐甜甜:油茶工坊,浙江松陽 / DnA建築事務所

項目地點:浙江省麗水市松陽縣橫樟村設計時間:2017.11-2018.01完成時間: 2018.12建築面積: 920㎡攝影師: 王子凌業主:松陽縣大東壩鎮人民政府照明設計:清華大學建築學院張昕工作室



