
文章轉載自 世紀君 21世紀英文報




Kristie Hunter之前是美國公立學校的老師,但是最近兩年來她的大部分生計來源都是靠在網上教中國孩子說英語。她就職於字節跳動旗下的GOGOKID公司,提供一對一的英語語言教學服務。同時,字節跳動也是短視頻軟件TikTok的母公司。
Kristie Hunter is a former public school teacher who for the past two years has made most of her money teaching children in China how to speak English online. Hunter works for GOGOKID, a one-on-one English language tutoring service owned by Chinese tech giant, ByteDance, which is the parent company of the hugely popular short-form video app TikTok.
"I used to think, 'We work for ByteDance, this huge company. They own TikTok. That's pretty cool, right?'" Hunter said. But now, the cool factor has morphed into something else: the threat of her job disappearing.
U.S President Trump's Aug. 6 executive order, which was aimed at TikTok, outlawed American business with not just the video-sharing app, but with all of ByteDance's subsidiaries.
That has thrown the future of Hunter and nearly 4,000 other American teachers contracted to work with GOGOKID into real peril. "It's been a very scary, confusing, highly stressful time," Hunter said.


在《洛杉磯時報》網站的這篇報道中,介紹了一位名叫Christa Kacer-Reynolds的女教師,她經常在美國時間凌晨3點半起床準備課程,然後從5點開始花幾個小時的時間通過電腦屏幕教對面的中國孩子說英語,包括最簡單的顏色、食物等等。有些孩子剛開始跟她上課的時候年齡還很小,Christa Kacer-Reynolds說自己很愛這份工作,也很愛她的學生,就好像是“看著孩子們學習並且長大。”


這項工作的報酬也很可觀,Kacer-Reynolds 說:“財富上,這是很大一筆錢。我們用這些報酬償還債務。”
The money helps, too. “Financially, it’s a big chunk,” Kacer-Reynolds said. “We’ve been really working on using the money to pay down debt.”
Under Trump's order targeting TikTok, "any transaction" between U.S. citizens and ByteDance would be banned. Violating the directive could result in a $300,000 fine, or even criminal prosecution. The order, which is being legally challenged by TikTok, is set to take effect on Sept. 20.
"I could be put in jail for teaching a five-year-old how to say hello from across the computer," Hunter said. "We've got families that could potentially lose their homes and lose their savings because of this broad stroke of the pen because of this 'national security risk.'"
“My biggest worry is being fined,” said Kacer-Reynolds.“That scares me much more than not getting paid — my biggest concern is breaking the law,” Kacer-Reynolds said.


NPR援引美國前司法部門律師Brian Fleming的話表示,特朗普的禁令並沒有十分明確說明字節跳動的附屬公司或交易的違法條件。這樣一來,GOGOKID的教師很有可能受到影響。“禁令的語言太寬泛了,”Fleming表示。
Brian Fleming, a former Justice Department lawyer who focused on enforcing economic sanctions, said Trump's order does not specify what subsidiaries or transactions with ByteDance will soon be outlawed. As a result, he said it is possible that GOGOKID instructors will be impacted. "The language of the order is extremely broad," Fleming said.
In the midst of the U.S. standoff with TikTok, GOGOKID teachers who have come to rely on income from the teaching service are feeling jittery.

綜合來源:參考消息微信公眾號 NPR Los Angeles Times

