



DRX: Hey T1, we took Gen G down for you so you can have rank 1 :)

T1: Coach Kim said rank 1 is not important>:(



[-]RaiyenZThey just want more matches in playoffs. Another 400 IQ move by Faker一看就知道他們想在季後賽多打兩把,Faker老控分了
[-]ACOblivion_Faker, before running it down 0-2 to DWG: "I got him."Faker在輸給DWG之前早都計劃好了。
[-]RaiyenZWhile everyone is playing to win their current game, Faker is playing to win every Worlds to come.其他人是為了贏下這一把遊戲,Faker是衝著冠軍去的。

[-]KoersfanaatThis is the worst T1 has looked all year, they just ran in to die the entire series.這是今年T1最拉胯的一場比賽,感覺就是不想贏。
[-]CzarcasticXThey needed to ban Senna. Maokai/Ornn support too strong.他們要Ban賽娜啊,大樹/奧恩輔助現在太強了。
[-]KoersfanaatDefinitely. Senna is not a champion you can just let through. Feels like they were testing the waters of dealing with it. I hope they learned their lesson because this almost made me cry.確實,賽娜這個點不能放。感覺他們現在是在想辦法測試放出賽娜看有什麼打法。希望他們能有些效果吧,這兩把把我看哭了。

[-]VilifieThis whole fasting Senna thing makes it possible for a team to be 5 champs instead of 4.5絕食流賽娜這種體系太變態了。

[-]FaspitchGenG: U firstT1: no u firstGenG: ok

[-]Conankun66outdrafted and dominated in both gameswtf happened to DWG? where did this team suddenly come from?陣容好,打的好DWG突然好起來了啊
[-]YoungUOApparently Ghost was the missing piece. An adc who can lane properly and shotcall effectively.很明顯鬼皇是最後一塊拼圖,對線可以,打團能找位置輸出。
[-]BenjenRyanSuch an upgrade over Nuclear. Insane to think Ghost was teamless the entire first round...升級版核皇,第一輪誰說鬼皇拉胯的?

[-]TheCeramicLlamaThe fabled scrim god Damwon has arrivedDWG,訓練賽滴神!

[-]Hannig4nDamwon’s form with ghost is fucking insane. Their bot lane is a legit threat now.DWG下路換成Ghost現在太猛了啊,他們現在狀態很好

[-]Duality_NAThat Game 2 Damwon comp was absolutely disgusting to watch, they had complete control over entire areas of the map and T1 couldn't do anything. Awesome draft, I felt dirty watching it.第二把DWG的陣容看起來太讓人噁心了,他們完全掌控了地圖,T1啥也幹不了。這陣容可真有你的。

[-]SoundstromEllim and Effort look completely off sync with the rest of their team. Just look at Effort aiming taric e's in the midlane fight or at GP after the baron when Varus needs peel from a different directionEllim和Effort倆人和其他隊友不是一個頻率啊。看中路那波團他寶石的E或者是大龍那波韋魯斯和他的位置。

[-]TranshumanisteExperimenting a more aggressive playstyle against Prime-Damwon-king-of-scrims wasn't the best idea, but it's fine I really want T1 to try new things and make Ellim play.對抗訓練賽之神的DWG選出了兩把更激進的遊戲方式來試試水也不是壞事,還是挺想讓T1試試新鮮東西的,還能讓Ellim上場。

[-]jakobsgdBeryl looks unleashed without training weightsBeryL看起來這兩把很猛

[-]bigtitslover12356worst series for T1 this spring ...T1春季賽打的最差的BO3。

[-]sun_dayWow, everyone is so off. Troll1?全員拉胯,T1的T成了Thal的T了

