回得了過去 回不了當初 我們的故事以我打擾開始 以我多餘結束


I am definitely not the first person to fall in love with you, nor the last one. However, I believe that I am the one who loves you the most.

回得了過去 回不了當初 我們的故事以我打擾開始 以我多餘結束


If you miss me, please contact me. You and I have no face between them. I have seen the most embarrassing and embarrassing look. As long as you speak, I will bow.

回得了過去 回不了當初 我們的故事以我打擾開始 以我多餘結束

本是青燈不歸客, 卻因濁酒戀紅塵塵,星空不問趕路人, 歲月不負有心人。

This is the blue light does not return to the guest, but because of the turbid wine love red dust, the stars do not ask the passers-by, the years pay off.

回得了過去 回不了當初 我們的故事以我打擾開始 以我多餘結束


I am sad not that you are better with others, but that others are so easy to replace my existence. No one can be you for me, but everyone can be me for you. It’s hard to be sad, but it will be over, you will be happy first, and I will talk about it later.

回得了過去 回不了當初 我們的故事以我打擾開始 以我多餘結束


Later, when you chose the right one, I also lost to like it. Our story started with my interruption and ended with my excess.

回得了過去 回不了當初 我們的故事以我打擾開始 以我多餘結束

不管以後我們疏遠成什麼樣子,請記得,曾經我對你的好是認真的,剩下的路,就不陪你走啦,照顧好自己,可能,我只是你生命中的一個過客,但你不會再遇見第二個我了 ​​​​。

No matter what we alienate in the future, please remember that once I was serious about you, the rest of the road, I will not accompany you, take care of yourself, maybe, I am just a passer in your life, but you I will not meet the second one again.

回得了過去 回不了當初 我們的故事以我打擾開始 以我多餘結束


I hope that you will not meet someone like me in the future, sensitive and suspicious, jealous, and selfish, but I hope that you can meet someone like me, because such a person really loves you.

