【龍騰網】老外看《三國》 評論,20集 第一部分

原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:UP機器人 轉載請註明出處

【龍騰網】老外看《三國》 評論,20集 第一部分


原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:UP機器人 轉載請註明出處
stefan pereira
8:20 this scene gives me chills. The first time we ever see Liu Bei lose his composure in anger and frustration.
這一幕讓我毛骨悚然。 這是我們第一次看到劉備在憤怒和沮喪中失去了鎮靜。
damn... that was a pretty powerful scene between liu bei and the emperor
該死... 劉備和皇帝之間的那場戲真夠勁爆的。

【龍騰網】老外看《三國》 評論,20集 第一部分

Toni R
Haha true. Today's world policy is no different from this. Same everywhere
Moses GTC
Poor emperor, have been a prisoner since birth... quite sad.. This show illustrates that those who hold titles don't necessarily hold real power.
可憐的皇帝,從出生起就是個囚犯,很悲哀。 這說明那些擁有頭銜的人並不一定擁有真正的權力。
Reko Starr
I cried.
Jeff Cockmann
i wonder if liu bei really met the emperor in the toilet
Inola Setiawan
The scene of Liu bei and the emperor proves how hard it is to be an actor����
Its sad when you think about it. Liu Bei and Xian never meet again after this. (I think) Bei never fulfills his mission to defeat Cao Cao and save the Emperor.
當你想想時候,這是悲哀的。 從此以後,劉備和劉協再也沒有見過面。 (我想)劉備沒有完成他的使命,打敗曹操,拯救皇帝。
Hmonggodwetrust Hmong
OMG...this is one hot lady.
i feel bad for the emperor. everybody uses him.
Gilbert Boot
At least he wasn't killed like his brother by dong zhao

I don't know... after Dong Zhuo and the two other guys who were apparently running around and beating and raping people, Cao Cao seemed like a saint in comparison.
我不知道... ... 在董卓和另外兩個傢伙到處亂跑、毆打和強姦後宮的人之後,曹操相比之下就像個聖人。
So me and my uncle were in the bathroom alone... I ended up crying
我和我叔叔單獨在衛生間裡... ... 我哭了。

【龍騰網】老外看《三國》 評論,20集 第一部分

NYC Salsa Classes
Are you asking me to have a audience in the toilet LOL

Abhinav Tripathi
Who else chills when Cao Cao talks about the secret decree in the temple.
Engineer 314
9:23 This sound nuts, but did he write that decree with the blood from his tooth?
He bit his finger to draw blood and use it as ink.
8:45 you see the difference between LiuBei and CaoCao , and i really love to see how foreigners discuss the history of China .
LOL talk to the his majesty in the toilet
It sounds like the first 2 minutes are someone making a parody...
聽起來好像前兩分鐘在惡搞... ..
Rakko Wakko
I heard xiao qiao is hotter. Cant wait to see. what episode did she debut in?
我聽說小喬更性感。 迫不及待地想看。 她在哪一集裡首次登臺?
Billy Carmack
Cao Cao is such a troll
Tiếng Anh Bồi
The wrong of liu bei is save the bad empiror. So Liu Bei can not win the war
劉備錯在要挽救那個不稱職的皇帝。 所以劉備贏這場鬥爭。

【龍騰網】老外看《三國》 評論,20集 第一部分

I do think it's pretentious of the emperor to claim that Liu Bei would be saving the people by defeating Cao Cao. He'd certainly be saving the Han dynasty, but that ultimately amounts to saving the emperor's own neck and thus the supreme power of his family.
我的確認為,說劉備打敗曹就能拯救百姓,是皇帝的自負。 他當然可以拯救漢朝,但最終還是拯救了皇帝自己,從而拯救了他家族的至高權力。
I suppose everyone else supportive of the dynasty is following tradition and/or being honorable because doing so is the most likely way for things to remain stable, even if only relatively speaking.
我想其他支持這個王朝的人都是在遵循傳統和 / 或榮譽,因為這樣做最有可能讓事情保持穩定,即使只是相對而言。
That all said, I think the emperor is very sympathetic and Liu Bei is morally in the right even if practically speaking he's wrong, and I say this while rooting for Mengde all the while. I can understand why the emperor wants Cao Cao ousted, especially since he fears Mengde will take the throne and his life in the process
儘管如此,我認為對皇帝非常有同情心,劉備在道義上是正確的,即使實際上他是錯誤的,我這樣說,同時始終支持曹孟德。 我能理解為什麼皇帝要趕走曹操,特別是因為他害怕孟德會奪走他的寶座和生命。
- he just wants to live! The emperor has gotten a pretty raw deal this whole time, so naturally Liu Bei, unwaveringly honorable in the face of anything and everything, would come to his aid. And though infinitely pragmatic,
皇帝只想活下去! 一直以來,皇帝都受到了相當不公平的待遇,劉備面對一切都無比正直,自然會來幫助他。
Cao Cao is a disturbingly cold-hearted person, so I can see why Liu Bei would believe him coming to power would ultimately bring harm to the world,

