



夏布利的葡萄園超過4,000公頃,是勃艮第最大的村莊級法定產區,產區的範圍也擴及鄰近的19個村莊。夏布利鎮位於西連溪( Serein)的左岸,海拔高度130米,而周圍是海拔僅200多米的和緩丘陵地,由西連溪從東南往西北侵蝕成一條較寬的谷地,幾條小支流與背斜谷在左右岸也切出多條小谷地。這些谷地旁的向陽坡地便是夏布利葡萄園的所在處。






北邊 La Chapelle-Vaupelteigne- Maligny的葡萄園較佳,有包括 Fourchaume在內的一級園。北邊的Lignorelles跟 Villy等村則有較多晚近增設的葡萄園。西邊的Beine村也多為20世紀70年代後才新增的葡萄園,而且有相當多新列級的一級園,如 Vau de Vey.西南邊的 Chichee和 Fleys是較不知名的精華區,也有Vaucoupin和 Les Fourneaux等一級園。南邊Courgis和 Prehy兩村海拔稍高一些,出產風格較輕巧的夏布利。



夏布利產區內的葡萄園共分為四個等級,跟金丘區的分法有些不一樣。夏布利最常見的葡萄園雖然面積幾乎和整個夜丘區近似,但仍屬村莊級法定產區,其中有八十九片葡萄園列級一級園,在標籤上會標示 Chablis PremiereCru。


等級最高的也是特級園,不過,夏布利雖有七片特級園,但並不像在金丘區各自獨立,而是共同組成一個稱為 Chablis Grand Cru的法定產區。夏布利分級中最特別的是小夏布利( Petit Chablis)法定產區,雖然名稱中有小字,但還是屬於村莊級的法定產區,大多位於坡頂,是以 Portlandien岩層為主的葡萄園。


The right and left banks of Chablis-the left bank is thick and the right bank is smart ~

Twenty villages with left and right banks

With over 4,000 hectares of vineyards, Chablis is the largest village-level legal production area in Burgundy, and the production area has also expanded to 19 neighboring villages. Chablis town is located on the left bank of the Serein, at an altitude of 130 meters, and is surrounded by a gentle hilly land with an altitude of only more than 200 meters. And the anticline valley also cut out a number of small valleys on the left and right banks. The sunny slopes next to these valleys are where the Chablis vineyards are located.

Most of the vineyards on the right bank face southwest, while the left bank mostly faces southeast. The southeast-facing vineyards receive early morning light and avoid the strong afternoon sun. Chablis is usually lighter and has a good sour taste. Southwest facing vineyards have more afternoon sun, better maturity, more weight, and more ripe fruit aromas. These two vineyard styles can be roughly classified into left bank style and right bank style in Chablis. The right bank is richer in wine style, while the left bank is more dexterous.

Metal texture dividing line

Including all super parks and a few of the most well-known first-class parks, the main vineyards of Chablis are located in the town of Chablis and three adjacent villages, such as MPoinchy on the left bank and Fye on the right bank. In addition to more famous gardens, there are also some old tree vineyards here. This core area also brings together the largest number of wineries and wine merchants, as well as the LaChablisienne cooperative.

To the north La Chapelle-Vaupelteigne- Maligny's vineyards are better. There are first-class gardens including Fourchaume. In the north, villages like Lignorelles and Villy have more recently added vineyards. The village of Beine on the west is also mostly a vineyard that has been added since the 1970s, and there are quite a few new-ranked first-class gardens, such as Vau de Vey. Chichee and Fleys on the southwest are the lesser-known essences. There are also first-class parks such as Vaucoupin and Les Fourneaux. The villages of Courgis and Prehy in the south are slightly higher in altitude and produce lighter style Chablis.

The vineyards in the Chablis region are divided into four levels, which are somewhat different from the division of the Jinqiu region. Although the most common vineyards in Chablis are almost the same size as the whole night hill area, they still belong to the village-level legal production area. There are 89 vineyards listed in the first-class gardens. Chablis PremiereCru will be marked on the label.

The highest grade is also a super park. However, although Chablis has seven super parks, it is not like being independent in Jinqiu District, but jointly forming a legal production area called Chablis Grand Cru. The most special in the Chablis classification is the Petit Chablis legal production area. Although the name is small, it still belongs to the village-level legal production area. Most of it is located on the top of the slope. It is a vineyard dominated by Portlandien rock formations.

Little Chablis shows the cooler and less sunshine style of the Portlandien rock formations and the vineyards on the slopes. Although lighter, they are more acidic and have the potential for durability. However, in Chablis, it is often regarded as a fresh, fruity, simpler, daily wine suitable for early drinking.

