





宏觀段落結構progression throughout the essay上:考試在開頭段最後一句話對全文分析手法進行了一次預告(同時也是全文主題central claim),並且在後文中參考首段的預告手法(如下圖),使用段落銜接詞逐一對三個手法進行了分析,讓考官非常清晰順暢地瞭解該考生在結構上的寫作規劃能力,這與一些同學,邊寫邊分析,洋洋灑灑涵蓋不清的分析結構形成鮮明的對比,清晰一致的段落規劃也是這篇回答為什麼能夠順利獲得滿分的原因之一。




  • Godfrey Harris utilizes his personal experience at the starting part of the passage. …
  • In addition, Godfrey Harris also [utilizes] irony multiply times in the passage to show…
  • Last but not least, Harris uses concession and rebuttal on the issue of killing of the the elephant …


In conclusion, Harris, or the advisory board of International Ivory Society, successfully utilized his own personal story, irony of the real intention under the surface of regulation on ivory trade, and concession and rebuttal to prove his opinion that the limitation on ivory trade and collecting can do more harm than benefits. His opinion is further valid and reasonable, even if many don’t agree.



Godfrey Harris utilized his personal experience, at the starting point of the passage. He explains his family historyin general, and has given details of when and how he starts to collect ivory items, Godfrey Harris’s family came to the state because they were attempting to escape Britain before the situation become worse, and when their situation is more settled, Godfrey’s father decided to bring Godfrey back to Britain for a trip and brought back some ivory items. This part of his personal experiences indicated that to him, ivory is an important part of his life, and the audience will develop emotion on this subject matter after they read about the author’s experience. With the warmth added to the passage, readers have connection to the author and will consider his opinion better. Harris also said that “Ivory pieces, like other artistic expressions, reflect the time and culture that produced them.” Before this, he explained that it is because of his job as a diplomat that allows him to obtain more ivory items. With this additional experience, the audience will understand why these items have their own values. Harris gives the audience the impression that ivory items are timeless beauty, therefore the audience will start to realize the importance of ivory pieces and why they should be valued than be viewed as something harmful regarding to the elephant killing issues discussed later in the paragraph. By employingpersonal experience, Harris connect his audience on the level of emotion and therefore successfully sent his message about the fact that ivory items should not be restricted by heavy regulations to the readers. (269 words)

可以注意到考生沒有使用生硬的first, second進行過渡,而是在進行自然流暢的細節描述過程中,從概括到具體,利用指代詞(e.g. this) 副詞 (e.g. also), 介詞結構( with …) 及從句連接(after…; before…).





