06.13 記敘文寫作的開頭和結尾,多種角度多重選擇,總有一款適合你!


1. (第一人稱角度)去參觀/去玩/去拜訪/去工作/去做志願者/……

① paid a visit to…, which…

② spent … doing… with…

③ went to … to explore the beauty of…

④ went to… to take part in an activity called “…”

⑤ went to… for voluntary work and…

⑥ headed to…, carrying…/singing and laughing all the way/ intending to…

⑦ worked as…in…/served at…as…

2. (第三人稱角度) 舉辦

① our school held a blackboard newspaper contest on “…”

② our school offered optional courses for…

③ a variety of activities have been held in our school. Our class also got involved in it.

④ The school TV station advertised for a student reporters last week. …was/got involved in it.

3. 事件+意義

① During this winter vacation, I worked as a volunteer guide in the …. It was an extremely unforgettable experience.

② Last weekend, …., which proved to be very interesting and rewarding.

③ Last Sunday, …and had a great time there.

4. 目的+事件/動作

① To help the international students understand Chinese culture better, our school decided to…

② To better understand the history and culture of the city, we scheduled a “museum trip”.

③ To carry forward the value of …, a variety of activities…

④ To promote the awareness of…

⑤ To share our happiness with others, we called on our next door neighbours and …

5. 結尾

① I was so glad that I …. In addition, I rediscovered the charm of Chinese culture.

② It took us some effort, but we enjoyed the real beauty of the city. The experience also enabled us to …. What a terrific experience!

③ When doing voluntary work, we did our part in helping others. Meanwhile, it promoted our social awareness. We all…

④ In this activity, not only did I experience the happiness of helping others but also I got a chance to learn…

⑤ Paper cuts made this Spring Festival more special.

⑥ What a fantastic Lantern Festival!

⑦ What a terrific experience!

⑧ I would like to …more!

6. 時間描寫

① Dusk fell before we realised it.

② It wasn’t long before…

③ Seven days flew by.

④ Time passed quickly. Before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye.

⑤ Then came the moment to do…

⑥ With the sun setting down, we…

