高考考綱解讀專題09 非謂語動詞

專題09 非謂語動詞






不定式作狀語通常表示:(1)原因(多用在某些表示喜、怒、哀、樂等的形容詞後);(2)目的(可用so as to/in order to替換,但so as to一般不可置於句首);(3)結果(常表出乎意料的結果,常為only to do)。

①We were very excited to hear the news.(原因)

②To get there on time I got up very early.(目的)

③He rushed to school only to find there was nobody there.(結果)



Not knowing what to do,he went to his parents for help.由於不知怎麼辦才好,他去找他父母幫忙。


Given more attention,the trees could have grown better.如果對這些樹多關心一些,它們本來會長得更好。

(3)部分過去分詞來源於系表結構,作狀語時不表示被動關係,其前不用being。這樣的過去分詞及短語常見的有:seated(坐著的)、hidden(躲著)、stationed(駐紮)、lost/absorbed in(沉溺於)、born in(出身於)、dressed in(穿著)、tired of(厭煩了)等。

Lost/Absorbed in deep thought,he didn't hear the sound.





The girl staring at him(=As the girl stared at him),he didn't know what to say.女孩兩眼望著他,他不知道說什麼好。



The problems solved(=As the problems were solved),the quality has been improved.隨著問題的解決,質量已經提高了。



He is going to make a model plane,some old parts to help.藉助於一些舊零件,他要做一個飛機模型。


With time passing by(time和pass之間為主動關係),he almost forgot everything in the past.隨著時間的流逝,他幾乎忘記了過去所有的事情。

He sat on the chair,with his hands tied(hands和tie之間為被動關係)behind his back.他坐在椅子上,雙手在背後捆著。



(1)Laughing helps your body stay healthy and can even help you fight pain.(動名詞作主語)

(2)To see is to believe.(不定式作主語)

(3)It is important to respect people.(不定式短語作主語,it作形式主語)

(4)It is no use crying over spilt milk.(動名詞短語作主語,it作形式主語)











Do you mind my/me reading your paper?


2.作賓語的動名詞和不定式除了一般式和主動式,還有完成式、被動式。 完成式表示該動作比謂語動作先發生。否定式在doing/to do前加not。

(1)I regret not having taken her advice.(not須放在having前)我感到遺憾,沒有聽從她的建議。

(2)They couldn't stand being treated like that.他們不能忍受被那樣對待。

(3)He decided to help me but I pretended to have finished my job.他決定幫我,但我假裝已經完成工作了。



You are the third one to enter the room.(主謂關係)

I have something important to say.(動賓關係)

He has no opportunity to go abroad.(同位關係)


a reading room(= a room for reading)


The question being discussed (=which is being discussed) now is important.


The question discussed(=which was discussed) yesterday is important.



Tell the children not to play on the street.

The police warned us not to go out at night.


They make the students do too much homework every day.

The students are made to do too much homework every day.




I saw him cross the street.我看到他穿過了大街。

I saw him crossing the street.我看到他正在穿過大街。

I saw him surrounded by a group of students.我看到一群學生圍著他。



He pretended not to see me.

I regret not following his advice.

Not having tried his best,he failed in the exam.



The boy pretended to be working hard.


I happened to have seen the film.


The patient asked to be operated on at once.


We remembered having seen the film.

He came to the party without being invited.

He forgot having been taken to Guangzhou when he was five years old.

His not knowing English troubled him a lot.



Having done his homework,he played basketball.


The problem being discussed is very important.

Having been told many times,the naughty boy made the same mistake.



【變式探究】 Before you quit your job, ________(consider) how your family would feel about your decision.



【變式探究】_____ it with me should be a good choice.Trust me!                  

A.When left B.Leave C.If you leave D.Leaving


【解析】句意:把他留給我應該是一個好選擇。 相信我。 leaving是動名詞作主語。

【變式探究】 Please do me a favor—________ my friend Mr.Smith to Youth Theater at 7:30 tonight.

A.to invite B.inviting C.invite D.invited







【例2】(2018·全國Ⅲ)I quickly lower myself,ducking my head to avoid (look) directly into his eyes so he doesn't feel challenged.

答案 looking

解析 avoid後接動名詞作賓語。avoid doing sth.避免做某事。

【變式探究】(2017·全國卷Ⅰ)Fast food is full of fat and salt; by ________ (eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.



【變式探究】(2016·新課標Ⅰ,67)My ambassadorial duties will include ________(introduce)British visitors to the 120­plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research centre in the misty mountains of Bifengxia.

【答案】introducing 【解析】句意:我的大使職責將包括把英國參觀者介紹給成都的120多隻大熊貓及其他一些在碧峰峽霧山中一個研究中心裡的熊貓們。include為及物動詞,後面應用動名詞形式作賓語。

【舉一反三】(2015·安徽,27改編)________(ignore) the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.

立意與點撥:設空處位於句首,考慮句中可能缺少主語或狀語,再分析句子成分,句中已有謂語動詞will be,句中缺少的是主語,再根據句意可知應用動名詞形式。

答案:Ignoring 句意為:忽視這兩種研究結果的差異將是你所犯的最嚴重錯誤之一。分析句子結構可知,句子的謂語部分是will be,one of the worst mistakes是表語,you make是省略關係代詞的定語從句,修飾mistakes。很顯然,________ the difference between the two research findings是主語部分,結合語境可知設空處用動名詞作主語。答案為Ignoring。

【變式探究】 (2015·課標全國Ⅱ,64)In addition to their simple beauty,what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their ability to "air condition" a house without________(use)electric equipment.


答案:using 句意為:除了樸素之美外,令人讚歎的是這些土坯房具有不使用電氣設備就能自動進行空氣調節的能力。介詞without後面用名詞或動名詞作賓語,故填using。

【變式探究】Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and ________(reduce) to ruins, the city took on a new look.

【答案】being reduced 

【解析】考查非謂語動詞。句意:在遭遇非常嚴重的地震變成廢墟之後不久,那個城市就呈現出了嶄新的面貌。and為並列連詞,連接after後的兩個賓語suffering from...和being reduced to ... 。be reduced to (doing) sth.使淪為,固定結構。

【變式探究】I can't stand ________ with Jane in the same office.She just refuses ________ talking while she works.

A.working; stopping B.to work;stopping

C.working;to stop D.to work;to stop

【答案】 C


【變式探究】 Isn't it time you got down to ________ the papers?

A.mark B.be marked C.being marked D.marking


【解析】"got down to"中的"to"是介詞,因而要用動名詞作賓語,而動名詞"marking"與其邏輯主語"you"是主動關係。




①It is important for us to learn English very well.


②I think it important for us to learn English very well.我認為對我們來說學好英語是非常重要的。


①It is no use/no good/useless+doing sth

It is no use crying.哭沒有用。

②It is fun (a great pleasure, a waste of time) +doing sth

It is a waste of time trying to explain.



【例3】(2017·全國卷Ⅰ)They are required ________(process) the food that we eat,to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions.

【解析】分析句子結構可知,此處考查be required to do sth.的固定用法。考生要善於分析句子結構,再結合自己的知識儲備才能快速準確地確定答案。

【答案】to process

【變式探究】(2016·浙江,1)—Are you sure you're ready for the test?

—No problem.I'm well ________(prepare)for it.

【答案】prepared 【解析】句意:——你確定你準備好考試了嗎?——沒問題。我已經做好準備了。I作主語,be動詞後要接動詞的­ed形式充當表語。

【舉一反三】We got a little ________(sunburn),but the day had been so relaxing that we didn't mind.


答案:sunburned或sunburnt 本題考查"get+過去分詞"表示狀態。got在該題中為連繫動詞,且sunburn與we之間為動賓關係,故應用過去分詞作表語。因此,答案為sunburned或sunburnt。

【舉一反三】Tom sounds very much ________(interest) in the job, but I'm not sure whether he can manage it.



【變式探究】 Please remain ________;the winner of the prize will be announced soon.

A.seating B.seated C.to seat D.to be seated


【解析】"seat"是及物動詞,"be seated=sit down"。此處"seated=sitting"。"remain seated"保持坐著的狀態。句意:請各位在座位上坐著;獲獎者很快就會宣佈的。



Our plan is to keep the affair secret.我們的計劃是讓這件事成為秘密。

Their job is making wheelchairs for disabled people.他們的工作是為殘疾人制造輪椅。

The music they are playing sounds exciting.他們演奏的音樂聽起來令人激動。

This beautiful village remains unknown to the rest of the world.這個美麗的村莊仍未被外界所知。


This dog is frightening.這條狗讓人害怕。(說明狗的特徵)

This dog is frightened.這條狗有些害怕。(說明狗的心理狀態)

Climbing is tiring and we are completely tired after a day's climbing.



【例4】The manager was satisfied to see many new products ______ (develop) after great effort.

立意與點撥:提示詞為動詞,且句中已有謂語was satisfied to see,便會考慮此處為"動詞(see/hear/feel/watch/notice等)+名詞或代詞+賓補"結構;再根據所給的動詞和其邏輯主語的關係確定答案。

答案:developed 句意為:經過一番努力之後,看到許多新產品被開發出來,經理感到很滿意。此處為see sth. done結構,動詞develop與賓語many new products之間為邏輯上的動賓關係,故用過去分詞作賓補表示被動、已完成,故答案為developed。

【舉一反三】Passengers are permitted ________(carry) only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.

【答案】to carry 

【解析】考查非謂語動詞。句意:乘客只被允許帶一件手提行李登機。該題考查permit的固定搭配be permitted to do sth.(被允許做某事)的用法。動詞不定式在permit sb. to do中作賓語補足語,但在be permitted to do中作主語補足語。根據passengers與carry之間的主動關係可確定填to carry。

【變式探究】The teacher asked us ________ so much noise.

A.don't make B.not make C.not making D.not to make


【解析】在動詞"ask"後面用不定式作賓語補足語,其否定形式是"not to do"。

【變式探究】 —Excuse me,sir, where is Room 301?

—Just a minute.I'll have Bob ________ you to your room.

A.show B.shows C.to show D.showing


【解析】"have sb do sth"意為命令或安排某人做某事。根據提供的情景可判斷出讓Bob帶你到房間去,"have sb doing sth"表示使某人一直處於某種狀態中。






①" have + 賓語+ do sth "意為"讓/叫/使某人做某事"。此結構中的 have 是使役動詞,賓語後的 do sth 是不帶to的動詞不定式作賓語補足語。

The boss often has them work for 14 hours a day.老闆經常要他們一天工作14 個小時。

②"have +賓語+ doing"意為"叫/讓/使某人做某事或讓某種情況發生"。賓語後面用現在分詞作賓語補足語,表示賓語與現在分詞表示的動作之間為主動關係,且動作正在進行。

Don't have the dog barking much, Lilin.李林,別讓狗狂吠不停。

③" have + 賓語+done"意為"讓/叫/使/請別人做某事"或者是"遭受/遭遇了……,此時,主語是無意中的受動者,而不是動作的執行者"的意思。賓語後面用過去分詞作賓語補足語,說明賓語與過去分詞表示的動作之間是被動關係。

We had the machine mended just now.我們剛才請人把機器修好了。

He had his leg injured while playing football.他在踢足球時腿受了傷。

▲get+賓語+to do/doing/done


He got his sister to help him with his clothes.


Can you really get that old clock going again.


Doris got her bad tooth pulled out in the hospital.

▲catch sb doing sth逮住某人幹某事

If she catches me reading her diary, she'll be furious.


▲make + oneself + done

oneself 與其後的過去分詞存在著動賓關係,或者說是被動關係

He raised his voice in order to make himself heard.



【例5】(2016·新課標Ⅰ,66)...a TV show in the mid­1980s,when I was the first Western TV reporter________(permit)to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.

【答案】permitted 【解析】句意:……那時我是第一個被允許拍攝一個特殊的關於照料……的單元的西方電視臺記者。TV reporter和permit之間是被動關係,用過去分詞作後置定語。

【變式探究】You cannot accept an opinion ________(offer) to you unless it is based on facts.


【解析】考查非謂語動詞。句意:你不可以接受別人提供的觀點,除非它是建立在事實基礎之上的。分析句子成分可知,"________ to you"是分詞短語作後置定語修飾opinion,又因為opinion和offer之間是被動關係,故用過去分詞修飾。解答這類題目需要抓住動詞與邏輯主語之間的主被動關係。

【舉一反三】The room is empty except for a bookshelf ________(stand) in the corner.


【解析】考查非謂語動詞。句意:除了有一個立在角落裡的書架,這個房間是空的。整個句子是主系表結構,except for a bookshelf ________ in the corner屬於介詞短語作狀語,所以空格處應是非謂語動詞作定語,並且bookshelf與stand之間是主謂關係,所以填standing。

【變式探究】If there is a lot of work ________, I'm happy to just keep on until it is finished.

A.to do B.to be doing C.done D.doing


【解析】"work"和"do"雖然存在邏輯上的動賓關係,但主語"I"和"do"存在邏輯上的主謂關係,此時用"to do"作後置定語。



(1)不定式作定語常用於不定代詞或被the first/next/only/last等修飾的名詞和其他一些名詞、代詞之後。其中,不定式的一般式通常表示一個將來或經常性的動作,完成式則表示該動作發生在謂語動詞所表示的動作之前。

例如:She is always the first (one) to come and the last to leave.


例如:Let's first find a room to live in / to put the things in.

(3)不定式作定語修飾一個在邏輯上是其賓語名詞時,若在句子中能找到該不定式的邏輯主語, 則該不定式多用主動表被動,否則,用被動式。

例如: Have you got anything to say at the meeting?

(you...say ...anything)

Here is a letter to be taken to Mr.Li.

在there be句型中,有時用主動式或被動式意思不同。

比較:There is nothing to do at present.(=We have nothing to do at present.)

There is nothing to be done at present.(=We can do nothing at present.)



例如:a sleeping car (=a car for sleeping )

a sleeping child (=a child who is sleeping )


例如:Do you know the boy talking (=who is talking ) to the teacher?

比較:誤:He is the man visiting our class yesterday.

正:He is the man who visited our class yesterday.


-ed分詞作定語一般表示一個被動或已完成動作,-ing分詞表示一個主動或正在進行的動作, -ing分詞的被動式則表示一個正在被進行的動作。

例如:a developed/developing country

He is a student loved by all the teachers.

The building being built will be the third Teaching Building of our school.


例如:The students, wearing their school uniforms, marched into the playground.

The substance, discovered almost by accident,has greatly changed the world.   


【例6】(2018·全國Ⅱ)Another reason for corn's rise:The government encourages farmers to grow corn instead of rice (improve) water quality.

答案 to improve

解析 根據語境"改善水質"是"政府鼓勵農民種玉米而不種水稻"的目的,故用動詞不定式作目的狀語。

【變式探究】(2016·新課標Ⅲ,63)Skilled workers also combine various hardwoods and metal _______(create)special designs.

【答案】to create 【解析】句意:熟練的工匠也把硬木和金屬結合在一起製作特殊的圖案。此處為動詞不定式作目的狀語。

【舉一反三】When I was little, my mother used to sit by my bed, ________(tell) me stories till I fell asleep.



【變式探究】 He hurried to the booking office only ________ that all the tickets has been sold out.

A.to be told B.to tell C.told D.telling



【變式探究】 Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year,________ a record US $57.65 a barrel on April 4.

A.have reached B.reaching C.to reach D.to be reaching


【解析】從句意來分析, 主句部分表示油價上漲了百分之三十二,逗號後面的內容為油價上漲後的必然結果"達到……記錄" 。





【例7】 If he takes on this work, he will have no choice but ________(meet) an even greater challenge.

【答案】to meet 

【舉一反三】George returned after the war, only ________(tell) that his wife had left him.

【答案】to be told 

【解析】考查非謂語動詞。句意:喬治戰後回來,卻被告知妻子已離他而去了。only+to do sth.表示意想不到的結果。

【變式探究】 Her progress in speaking ability, ________(tell) the truth, is a big comfort to me.

【答案】to tell 

【解析】考查非謂語動詞。to tell (you) the truth表示"說實話",為固定短語,常用作插入語。

【變式探究】 ________(fill) with shame, the boy lowered his head, ready for the punishment from his dad.


【解析】考查非謂語動詞。句意:男孩低著頭,滿是羞愧地等著父親的懲罰。分析句子結構可知,________ with shame是非謂語動詞短語作狀語,且fill與句子主語是動賓關係,因此用過去分詞filled。



常見的有:considering ...(鑑於/考慮到……),judging by/from ...(從……來看,依據……來判斷), supposing that ...(假定……), providing that ...(假定……), according to ...(依據……), including ...(包括……), owing to ...(由於……), talking/speaking of...(談及……),given ...(考慮到……), provided that...(如果……),to tell the truth 說實話

