Java 程序員,你真的會寫Java文檔註釋(Java Doc Comments)嗎


Java 程序員,你真的會寫Java文檔註釋(Java Doc Comments)嗎

本文翻譯自How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool,但是精簡了一些私以為不重要的東西



“文檔註釋”(Java Doc Comments)是專門為了用javadoc工具自動生成文檔而寫的註釋,它是一種帶有特殊功能的註釋。



<code>/*** 這是文檔註釋*//** 這是一般註釋*/// 這是一般註釋/<code>






<code>/*** 描述部分(description) ** 標記部分(block tags)*//<code>

描述部分自然不用多說,所謂的標記符號指的是@param, @return, @see之類的,相信只要看過開源java代碼的話應該都見過。


<code>/** * Returns an Image object that can then be painted on the screen.  * The url argument must specify an absolute {@link URL}. The name * argument is a specifier that is relative to the url argument.  * 

* This method always returns immediately, whether or not the * image exists. When this applet attempts to draw the image on * the screen, the data will be loaded. The graphics primitives * that draw the image will incrementally paint on the screen. * * @param url an absolute URL giving the base location of the image * @param name the location of the image, relative to the url argument * @return the image at the specified URL * @see Image */public Image getImage(URL url, String name) { try { return getImage(new URL(url, name)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return null; }}



1. 第一行以特殊的文檔定界符 /** 開頭

3. 在描述段落和標記段落之間空一行,描述段落和標記段落必須分開,不能揉在一起,描述段落必須在標記段落之前
4. 每一行註釋都應該跟後面描述的類、方法等保持同樣距離的縮進,比如這樣就是錯誤的

<code>class Image {/*** 沒有跟下面的方法保持同樣的縮進*/    public Image getImage(URL url, String name) {        ...    }}/<code>

5. 從javadoc 1.4之後,除第一行和最後一行外,可以省略其他行的前導星號(*),但是一般不這麼做





<code>/*** This is a simulation of Prof. Knuth's MIX computer.*//<code>


1. HTML語法標籤,例如 xxx

2. javadoc規定的特殊標籤,例如 {@link xxx} 。標籤的語法規則是:{@標籤名 標籤內容}


1. 標籤在有javadoc工具生成文檔時會轉化成特殊的內容,比如 {@link URL} 標籤會被轉化成指向URL類的超鏈接

2. 如果註釋包含多段內容,段與段之間需要用

3. 最後結尾行 */ 和起始行不同,這裡只有一個星號
4. 為了避免一行過長影響閱讀效果,務必將每行的長度限制在80個字符以內

5. 善用javadoc工具的複製機制避免不必要的註釋:



1. 使用 <code>關鍵字/<code> 來強調關鍵字,建議強調的內容有:java關鍵字、包名、類名、方法名、接口名、字段名、參數名等
2. 控制 {@link xxx} 的數量,太多的鏈接會使文檔的可讀性很差,因為讀者總是跳來跳去。不要出現相同的鏈接,同樣的鏈接只保留第一個;不要為java自帶的內容或是常識性的內容提供鏈接
3. 描述一個方法時,應當只保留方法名字,不要附帶方法的參數。比如有個方法是add(Object obj),那麼用add指代該方法即可,而不是add(Object obj)
4. 英文註釋可以是短語也可以是句子。如果是句子,首字母要大寫,如果是短語,首字母小寫。
5. 英文註釋使用第三人稱,而不是第二人稱。比如:

<code>/*** Gets the label(建議) *//*** Get the label(不建議)*//<code>

6. 方法的註釋應該以動詞或動詞詞組開頭,因為方法是一個動作。比如:

<code>/*** Gets the label of this button(建議)*//*** This method gets the label(不建議)*//<code>

7. 當描述類、接口、方法這類的概念時,可以不用指名"類"、"接口"、"方法"這些詞語,比如:

<code>/*** A button label (建議)*//*** This field is a button label (不建議)*//<code>

8. 英文使用this而不是the指代當前類,比如:

<code>/*** Gets the toolkit for this component (建議)*//*** Gets the toolkit for the component (不建議)*//<code>

9. API名應該是能夠簡單自我說明的,如果文檔註釋只是簡單重複API的名稱還不如沒有文檔,所以文檔註釋應該至少提供一些額外信息,否則乾脆不要註釋
10. 英文註釋避免拉丁風格的縮寫。比如使用"also knwon as"而不是"aka", 使用"that is"或"to be specific"而不是"i.e.",使用"for example"而不是"e.g.",使用"in other words"或"namely"而不是"viz."




1. @author 作者,沒有特殊格式要求,名字或組織名稱都可以
2. @version 軟件版本號(注意不是java版本號),沒有特殊格式要求
3. @param 方法參數,格式為: @param 參數名稱 參數描述

  • 可以在參數描述中說明參數的類型
  • 可以在參數名稱和參數描述之間添加額外的空格來對齊
  • 破折號或其他標點符號不能出現在參數描述之外的地方

4. @return 方法返回值,格式為: @return 返回值描述 ,如果方法沒有返回值就不要寫@return
5. @deprecated 應該告訴用戶這個API被哪個新方法替代了,隨後用 @see 標記或 {@link} 標記指向新API,比如:

<code>/*** @deprecated As of JDK 1.1, replaced by* {@link #setBounds(int,int,int,int)}*//<code>

6. @throws (或 @exception )包含方法顯式拋出的檢查異常(Checked Exception),至於非顯示拋出的其他異常(Unchecked Exception),除非特別有必要,否則就別寫了。一個原則就是,只記錄可控的問題,對於不可控的或不可預測的問題,不要往上面寫。


7. 自定義標記

1. 按照如下順序提供標記




2. 必須包含的標記



1. 包級別的文檔註釋


<code>把主要內容複製到最終生成的package-summary.html文件中處理@see, @since, 或{@link}標記把第一句話複製到javadoc的索引中/<code>


2. 匿名、內部類的文檔註釋


<code>/** * Graphics is the abstract base class for all graphics contexts * which allow an application to draw onto components realized on * various devices or onto off-screen images. * A Graphics object encapsulates the state information needed * for the various rendering operations that Java supports. This * state information includes: * 
  • The Component to draw on *
  • A translation origin for rendering and clipping coordinates *
  • The current clip *
  • The current color *
  • The current font *
  • The current logical pixel operation function (XOR or Paint) *
  • The current XOR alternation color * (see ) *

* Coordinates are infinitely thin and lie between the pixels of the * output device. * Operations which draw the outline of a figure operate by traversing * along the infinitely thin path with a pixel-sized pen that hangs * down and to the right of the anchor point on the path. * Operations which fill a figure operate by filling the interior * of the infinitely thin path. * Operations which render horizontal text render the ascending * portion of the characters entirely above the baseline coordinate. *

* Some important points to consider are that drawing a figure that * covers a given rectangle will occupy one extra row of pixels on * the right and bottom edges compared to filling a figure that is * bounded by that same rectangle. * Also, drawing a horizontal line along the same y coordinate as * the baseline of a line of text will draw the line entirely below * the text except for any descenders. * Both of these properties are due to the pen hanging down and to * the right from the path that it traverses. *

* All coordinates which appear as arguments to the methods of this * Graphics object are considered relative to the translation origin * of this Graphics object prior to the invocation of the method. * All rendering operations modify only pixels which lie within the * area bounded by both the current clip of the graphics context * and the extents of the Component used to create the Graphics object. * * @author Sami Shaio * @author Arthur van Hoff * @version %I%, %G% * @since 1.0 */public abstract class Graphics { /** * Draws as much of the specified image as is currently available * with its northwest corner at the specified coordinate (x, y). * This method will return immediately in all cases, even if the * entire image has not yet been scaled, dithered and converted * for the current output device. *

* If the current output representation is not yet complete then * the method will return false and the indicated * {@link ImageObserver} object will be notified as the * conversion process progresses. * * @param img the image to be drawn * @param x the x-coordinate of the northwest corner * of the destination rectangle in pixels * @param y the y-coordinate of the northwest corner * of the destination rectangle in pixels * @param observer the image observer to be notified as more * of the image is converted. May be * <code>null/<code> * @return <code>true/<code> if the image is completely * loaded and was painted successfully; * <code>false/<code> otherwise. * @see Image * @see ImageObserver * @since 1.0 */ public abstract boolean drawImage(Image img, int x, int y, ImageObserver observer); /** * Dispose of the system resources used by this graphics context. * The Graphics context cannot be used after being disposed of. * While the finalization process of the garbage collector will * also dispose of the same system resources, due to the number * of Graphics objects that can be created in short time frames * it is preferable to manually free the associated resources * using this method rather than to rely on a finalization * process which may not happen for a long period of time. *

* Graphics objects which are provided as arguments to the paint * and update methods of Components are automatically disposed * by the system when those methods return. Programmers should, * for efficiency, call the dispose method when finished using * a Graphics object only if it was created directly from a * Component or another Graphics object. * * @see #create(int, int, int, int) * @see #finalize() * @see Component#getGraphics() * @see Component#paint(Graphics) * @see Component#update(Graphics) * @since 1.0 */ public abstract void dispose(); /** * Disposes of this graphics context once it is no longer * referenced. * * @see #dispose() * @since 1.0 */ public void finalize() { dispose(); }}


