

Should you accept an invitation or except one? Do you eat dessert or desert after your meal?

English is full of confusing words. Here are some tips on using the right word at the right time! 你應該”accept“一份邀請還是”except“呢?你在餐後吃的是”dessert“還是"desert"?英語中有許許多多令人迷惑的單詞。這兒有一些在適當時間正確使用適當單詞的指導!

Dessert & desert 沙漠

Dessert is a sweet dish, while the desert is hot, dry and full of sand

Dessert“是一種甜點,而0the desert“是又熱,又幹還到處是沙。

Accept & except接受&除外

To accept means to receive or agree to something, while except means excluding


There & their在那裡

The former is an adverb of place while the latter is a possessive pronoun e.g. Their house is over there

前一個單詞是地點副詞而後者是物主代詞。例如:0Their house is over there。

Borrow & lend借

To borrow means to receive something as a loan, while to lend means to give something as a loan[g. "Can I borrow your car?" "Sorry, I can't len山t to you today.

”To borrow"意思是借貨某物,而“to lend"意思是借出某物。例如:”Can I borrow your car?““ Sorry, I can't lend it to you today."。

Despite & although儘管&雖然

These have a similar meaning but are used differently. Despite is a preposition while although is a conjunction[9 "He won the race despite his injury. He won the race although he had an injury."

這些單詞有相近的意思但是用法不同。"Despite“是介詞而"although“是連詞。例如:"He won race despite his injury. He won the race although he had an injury“。

Affect &effect影響

The former is a verb while the latter is a noun, e.g. "The effect of the war is enormous; it has affected all sectors of the economy."

前一個單詞是動詞而後一個是名詞,例如:0The effect of the war is enormous: it has affected all sectors of the economy“。

Personal & personnel個人&人員

Your personal details include your name, age and nationality, while personnel means the employees of a company

你的"personal details“詳細信息包括你的名字,年齡和國籍,而"personnel"意思是公司的職員。

Assure & ensure

To assure someone means to remove doubt or reassure them, while ensure means to make certain that something happens.E.g. "I assured him that you would be there, so please ensure that you get to the meeting on time“

"To assure“某人意思是打消他們的疑惑或使他們安心,而"ensure"意思是確保某事發生。例如“I assured him that you would be there, so please ensure that you get to the meeting on time“。

