

does your english come across as too polite? while formal language is essential with your boss and your customers, you would sound strange to your friends if you speak with them in the same way. to tone down your english for life's casual situations, check out these tips.


meetings and greetings見面與問候

do you ask everyone you see,"how do you do?" though quite common in days past, today it's only appropriate in very formal situations - not with your friends.mmost situations, choose a more common phrase like, "how are you?" with friends, you could also say, "hey. what's up?"or"how's it qoinq?"

你沒有問你見到的每個人:"how do you do?”儘管過去這很常用,而現今的生活中只在非常正式的場合中才適合用一而不是用在朋友之間。在大多數的情況下,選擇一個常用的短語象,對朋友說:”how are you?”,你還可以說:”hey, what's up?”或是"how's lt going?"。

wining and dining宴請禮儀

“would you mind passing me the salt, please?" lt's always important to remember your manners, especially when you're eating with business associates or important guests. but when you're just grabbing a bite to eat with friends, and you need the salt, it's quite ok to just say, "hey, pass the salt."

"would you mind passing me the salt, please?"隨時注意你的禮節非常的重要的,特別當你和生意夥伴或是重要的客人一起用餐的時候。但是當你只是和朋友隨便吃點東西時,你可以說:"hey, pass the salt”來表示你需要鹽。

coming and going來來往往

you receive an urgent message during an important meeting, so you ask, "would you excuse me for a moment,please?" but what if you're with your friends? just tell them to "hang on a sec”o r say you'h "be right back." remem-ber, it's not always impolite to be informal

你在會議中收到一個緊急的留言:"would you excuse me for a moment, please?”。但是如果你正和朋友在一起呢?只要告訴他們:"hang on a sec"或是說你會、、be right back. 9,記得,非正式的表達方式不是一定不禮貌的。

didn't hear it?沒聽到

your customer is spea king to you, but you didn't understand what she said. don't panic. just be polite and say. "excuse me, but would you mind repeating that?" on the other hand, in more casual situations, just ask, "come again?"or”what did you say?"

你的客戶正在和你說話,但是你不明白她說了什麼。不用害怕。只要禮貌的說:"excuse me,but would you mind repeating that?”。”在另一方面,在更多的非正式場合中,只要問:"[ome again?"或”what did you say?"。

good impressions好印象

“this is quite an impressive abode, my dear." this is a formal way to teh people that you really like their home. lf you're over at a friend's place, however, there's no need for such serious language. your friends would be perfectly happy to hear you exclaim, "what a cool place, manl"

“this is quite an impressive abode, my dear”這是表示你非常喜歡別人的房子的正式用語。如果你正在一個朋友的房子,那麼,你就不需要這麼嚴肅的語言了。你的朋友將非常樂意聽到你驚呼:"what a cool place, man!"。

