

ever been to australia and wondered what everyone was saying? you thought they spoke eng-lish in australia, right? well, they do, but it's a special kind of english. here are some helpful tipsfor talking to australians.


head horse 頭馬

when someone says, "please pass the dead horse," don't worry, they're not talking about the animal. lt's another word for ketchup. australians usually pronounce it dead lorse.

當某人說,"please pass the dead horse"別擔心,他們不是在談論動物。這是善茄醬的另一種說法。澳大利亞人通常將它發"dead 'orse"。

elbow grease費力的工作

lf you're trying to open the tight lid of a jar of dead horse, your australian friends might tell you, "put some elbow grease into it." never fear! your elbows aren't greasy! what they're really telling you to do is try harder.知果你試圖打開一罐"dead horse”密封的蓋子時,你的澳大利亞朋友可能會告訴你,"put some elbow grease into it”。別害怕!你的胳膊肘不油膩!他們只是要你更用力些。

fair crack o' the whip 公平的機會

你的老闆告訴你,"i'm going to give you a fair crack o' the whip.9不要害怕一你完全不用擔心!這個意思是他要給你一個公正的機會。your boss tells you, "l'm going to give you a fair crack o' the whip." don't be afraid - you have nothing to worry about! it means he's going to give you a fair chance.


you couldn't dig a hole to save your life,so why do people keep calling out, "hey digger!" when they see you?take it as a compliment! this is another word for friend. australians also use the words mate and cobber.

你不可能挖個洞來救你自己的生命,那為什麼人們還是不停的叫喚,“hey digger!”當他們看到你的時候?把這當作讚美吧!只是朋友的另一個單詞。澳大利亞人還使用單詞”mate"和"cobber"。

spit the dummy發脾氣

you're in a really bad mood and want to be left alone. your friends tell you. "don't spit the dummy." this expres- sion has nothing to do with spitting. it really means to sulk or feel sorry for yourself.

你心情非常的糟糕並想要一個人待著。您的朋友告訴你:”don't spit the dummy”,這個表達方式和吐口水沒有任何的關係。真正的意思是對你自己生氣或難過。

struth 斯特呂

this is short for "is it the truth?" lt's a common expression used when you are really surprised about something. for example, if someone just won the lottery, their friends might say "struth!" lt's like saying, "oh my god!"australians might also say strike a light o r hogan's ghost

這是”is it the truth?”的簡短形式。是常用於表示你對某事非常的驚訝的表達方式。例如,如果某人剛剛贏了彩票,他們的朋友可能會說:"struth! 9,這就象是在說,"oh my god!”一樣。澳洲人亦可能會說:"strike a light”或是”hogan's ghost"。

come the raw prawn. 算計別人

lf you think your friend is playing a joke on you, you can say, "don't come the raw prawn with me!" this is used when you don't believe what you've just been told. it means. don't treat me like a fool!

如果你認為你的朋友在開你的玩笑,你就可以說:"don't come the raw prawn with me!”,這用來表示你不相信你剛剛聽的話。它的意思是,不要向傻瓜一樣對待我!

back of bourke 很遠

you're talking about a place you want to go to and your friend says. "lt's all the way out back of bourke!" what are they talking about? this expression means that the place is in the middle of nowhere.

你正在談論你想要去的一個地方你的朋友說:”lt's all the way out back of bourke!”,他們是什麼意思呢?這個表達方式意思是這個地方前不著村後下著店。

give you what for 給你什麼

lf somebody wants to give you what for beware! this is something pa rents often say to their children who don't want to do what they're told. and ask “what for?" lf someone says, "l'ii give you what for," they are basically saying "l'm in no mood to argue. do what l ask or else!"

如果有人想要”give you what for”,注意了!這是父母常對不想做被要求事情的孩子們的所說的話,而且問:"what for?“。如果有人說:"i'llgive you what for”,他們基本上就是在說:“l'm in no mood to argue do what l ask or elsel"。

