

are you a natural conversationalist who feels no fear of chatting in english? or, are you like most of us - awkward, uneasy and not really sure of what to say next? lf you find that the cat's got your tongue the next time you're talking in english, try using these tips to keep the conversation going.

你是一個不畏懼用英語交談的天生的健談者?或是,你和我們大部分人一樣.感到尷尬,不自在還不知道接下來說什麼?如果下一次說英語的時候你發現cat's got your tongue,就用一下這些小竅門來繼續你的談話。

respond to greetingis回覆問候

after the initial "hey"o r "he¨o", there are two basic greeting styles in english; ones that start with "how" and others that begin with "what." common examples are "how are you?", "how's it going?", "how've you been?" as weh as “what's up?". "what's going on?" and "what've you been up to?"

除了最初的" hey"或是”hello”,還有兩種基本的英語問候方式:一種是以4how”開始,而另一種是以”what”開始,常見的例子有:”how are you?”、 ”how's it going?"、 "how've you been?"以

及”what's up?"、 "what's going on?"和”what've you been up to?".

for the "how" greetings, you'h want to respond with an adjective, such as "good", "great" or even "exhaustedl" on the other hand, for greetings starting with "what",a fitting response is "nothing"or "klot much."

對於”how”開頭的問候,你可以用形容詞開首的回答,例如:”good”、 ”great”甚至是”exhaust-ed!”。另一方面,對於”what"開頭的問候,合適的回答有" klothing”或者“not much"。

then keep going...然後繼續…

one word answers, though, cari hinder the conversation and lead to that dreaded awkward silence. so after your “great"or "hlot much", you need to keep going and provide more information about what is happening ln your life it could be about what you're doing at the moment:"klot much. i'm just out shopping for my sister's birthday gift."

然而一個單詞的回答,可以會影響你的對話,並導致尷尬的洽場。因此在你4g reat"或"not much”的回答後,你需要繼續下去告訴別人別人更多有關你生活的信息。可以是有關你現在正在做的事:”not much. i'm just out shopping for my sister's birthday gift.".

or it could be about a recent event in your life; "great"ve just started a new job, and l love itl" providing more information can give the person you're talking with something to respond f0,and this is true at any point in theconversation

或者,可以是你生活中最近的一件什麼事:”greatl "ve just started a new job, and i love lt!”。告訴別人更多的信息可以讓別人有更多可以回覆的內容,而且在談話時在某種意義上說這是非常真實的。

