

Whether it’s the perfect gift for someone special or something for yourself, here is a list of useful expressions to help you find just what you’re looking for as you stroll through the malls and check out chic boutiques.

I’m just looking. 我只是隨便看看。

“I’m just looking.” This is a great response to “Can I help you find anything?” if you are not sure what you want to buy.
I’m just looking.如果你還不知道你想買什麼,這是對”Can I help you find anything?”最佳回答。

Where are your fitting rooms?試衣間在哪裡?

Ask the salesperson this question if you want to try on that outfit before you buy it. In the UK, though, you might want to ask for the changing rooms.
如果在你買下衣服之前想試穿的話向售貨員提這個問題。 然而在英國,你可以要問的是changing rooms。

Does this come in other colors?這有其他顏色嗎?

Not everybody likes plain old black and white. Ask a salesperson this if you’ve found something you really like, but want it in a different color.

Do you have this in other sizes?你有其他尺寸的嗎?

You’ve found the perfect holiday outfit if only they had your size! Ask this to a shop assistant, and he or she may be able to locate one that’s the perfect fit.
你找到了絕佳的假日服裝。。。只要他們有你的尺碼! 象以上那樣問售貨員,他或她就有可能向你提供最合適的著裝。

Do you have any of these in stock?你有這些庫存嗎?

You see it in the display, but you can’t find it in the store! Don’t panic. Ask an assistant if there are any left in stock. Maybe there are some in the storage room.
你看到櫥窗中有,但是商店中卻沒有這種商品!不要怕。去問營業員是否有left in stock。可能艙庫還有些呢。

Can I put this on hold?我可以暫時擱在這裡嗎?

Not sure if you’ve found the perfect gift? Just ask the sales assistants to “put it on hold”, and they will put the item aside for you for one or two days. That way, it can’t disappear as you continue your search.
不確定你是否找到了最好的禮物?只要讓售貨員”put it on hold”,那麼他們會將商品為你保留一到兩天。那樣的話,在你繼續到處看看的時候,那件商品不至於馬上消失。

I’d like a gift receipt for this.我想要一個收據。

Upon your request, most stores provide a gift receipt, which does not list any prices. So, just in case your friend decides that gift of yours isn’t so perfect after all, he or she can exchange or return it without a problem. But, if not, they’ll never know how much you paid!
根據你的要求,大多數的商店提供一張gift receipt,上面沒有任何的價錢。因此,如果你的朋友覺得你的禮物不合適,他或她可以隨時調換。但是,如果不這樣的話,他們將永遠不知道你付了多少錢!

Do you provide gift-wrapping?你會提供包裝嗎?

No time to wrap your gifts? No worries! Many stores provide gift-wrapping services for their customers, especially during the busy holiday season.
沒有時間為你買的禮物包裝?別急! 許多商店為他們的顧客特別是在繁忙的假日期間提供包裝服務。

Can I get a price check for this?我可以查一下價格嗎?

Can’t find a price tag on the item you’re looking at? Ask the cashier this question, and he or she will check the price for you.

