
How Long is a SAT Score Valid?



“SAT 分數的有效期是多久?”,

“我的孩子八年級就參加了SAT 考試,對考試成績感到滿意,到了高中還需要重新參加考試嗎?”,

“如果我的 SAT 成績不是在申請年內獲得的,我可以在申請大學時把這個分數提交給大學嗎?”……



SAT分數從技術上講是永遠不會過期的,College Board 會永遠保存所有考試成績,參加考試的人也可以在任何時間要求 College Board 向大學提交 SAT 成績。

但是如果考試成績超過五年期限,College Board 在向大學提交成績的同時會有附帶說明,這一點可以在 College Board 的網站上得到證明。

According to College Board:

Official score reports sent to colleges five or more years after a test date are accompanied by a message explaining that they may be less valid predictors of college academic performance than more recent scores.

雖然 SAT 的分數不管是多久前參加考試得到的都可以由 College Board 發送到指定的大學,但是不能保證你所申請的大學會接受這些分數,通常大學對考試和提交申請之間的時間長度有限制,這個限制通常是五年左右。這也是與 College Board 在發送 Old SAT Scores 的政策相吻合的。


同時,大家需要記住的是,SAT 的考試政策與方法會變,最近一次大的改變在 2016 年的三月,這種考試政策的變化也會影響 SAT 分數的有效期。目前,幾乎所有的學校都接受 2018 年高中畢業班級的舊SAT分數,但在 2018 年之後將會只接受新的 SAT 分數。絕大多數大學在2017-2018年申請季後(for high school class of 2019 or later), 將不再接受 Old SAT。

SAT 考試成績除了在申請大學時需要提交外,在申請 National Merit Scholarship Finalist 時也需要提交。

According to the official website of National Merit Scholarship Corporation:


To become a Finalist, you must confirm your PSAT/NMSQT performance with scores from the SAT.


You will be withdrawn from further consideration in the competition if NMSC does not receive a report of your SAT scores by January 31, 2018. NMSC must receive your scores no later than December 31, 2017 for full award consideration.

The SAT Program will not report your scores to NMSC unless you request it, and you cannot substitute a photocopy of the score report sent to you or your school for the official report. Send all testing and score reporting fees directly to the SAT Program.

Authorized SAT administrations

Scores earned on national administrations of the SAT from October 2015 through December 2017 will be considered by NMSC. NMSC will not accept scores from a national SAT administration taken earlier than October 2015 or later than December 2017.

For SAT scores earned prior to March 2016, your converted critical reading score, mathematics score, and writing multiple-choice subscore will be the basis for determining whether you meet the confirming score requirement. For SAT scores earned in March 2016 and later, NMSC will calculate an NMSC Selection Index score using the Reading, Writing and Language, and Math Test scores. Please note that NMSC will only consider the highest set of scores from a single administration of the SAT.


If you have not yet taken the SAT

It is solely your responsibility to register now to take the SAT on one of the following dates in 2017 and request scores be sent to NMSC when you register (code 0085):

October 7

November 4

December 2

We urge you to take the SAT no later than November 4 and not wait until the December administration. Visit for information about registering for the SAT and ordering SAT score reports. You may also contact the SAT Program at (866) 756-7346 domestic or (212) 713-7789 international.

If you have already taken an authorized administration of the SAT

Look at the score report sent to you by the SAT Program to verify it shows National Merit Scholarship Corporation (code 0085) as a recipient. If NMSC is not listed, it is solely your responsibility to IMMEDIATELY contact the College Board and request that an official score report be sent to NMSC.

綜上所述,如果一個學生只想考一次 SAT 的話,比較安全的做法是在高中十年級的十月份或以後參加考試。

