
1. i’ve really got to go, i’ll get back to you when i get the Office. 我真的得走了,我進辦公室再打給你。

2. sorry, i must end the conversation. there’s someone on the other line. 抱歉,我不能再說了。有人在另一在線。

3. sorry, i’ve got to hang up. my wife’s waiting for me. 抱歉,我得掛電話了。我老婆在等我。

4. i think i’d better let you go. i’ll talk to you later. 我想我應該讓你去忙了,我晚點再打給你。

5. i have to get back to work. i’ll call you later tonight. 我要回去工作了。我今晚再打給你。

6. shall we continue this later? i’ve got a call waiting. 我們可不可以晚一點再繼續談?我有插播。

7. it’s kind of late. why don’t we talk about it tomorrow? 有點晚了。我們何不明天再談呢?

8. i’ve got to meet a client right now. can we talk later? 我現在要去見一個客戶。我們可以晚一點再談嗎?

9. i won’t keep you any longer. 我不耽誤你時間了。

10. sorry, it’s getting late. can you call again tomorrow morning? 抱歉,時候不早了。你可不可以明天早上再打來?


