從零開始學英語:Spring Rain 春雨(附音頻)

從零開始學英語:Spring Rain 春雨(附音頻)


1、 spring [sprɪŋ]


·Spring is a lovely season. 春天是可愛的季節。

·Your birthday comes in spring. 你的生日在春季。

2、silk [sɪlk]


  • The Chinese silk is known all over the world. 中國絲綢馳名天下。
  • I like the feel of silk. 我喜歡觸摸絲綢。

3、warmer [ˈwɔ:mə(r)]

n.使熱的人,溫熱裝置adj.暖和的( warm的比較級 );保暖的;熱情的;暖調的

·The birds are on the wing for warmer countries. 鳥兒展翅飛往較溫暖的地方。

·All through the winter, we live in hopes of warmer weather. 整個冬天,我們都希望有較為溫暖的天氣出現

4、dirt [dɜ:t]


  • The children were outside playing happily in the dirt. 小孩在外面的泥土裡玩得很開心。
  • She swept the dirt out. 她掃除了灰塵。

5、earth [ɜ:θ]


  • The Earth moves round the Sun. 地球繞著太陽轉。
  • Spring returns to the Earth. 大地回春。
從零開始學英語:Spring Rain 春雨(附音頻)

6、 fields ['fi:ldz]

n.田( field的名詞複數 );(作某種用途的)場地;(學習或研究的)領域;運動場

  • The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. 去那農舍的唯一通路是穿過田野。
  • We had to make a detour around the flooded fields. 我們只得繞道避開被洪水淹沒的田野。

7、oil [ɔɪl]

n.油,油畫顏料;vt.塗油,溶化,vi. 融化;加燃油

  • China is rich in oil resources. 中國的石油資源豐富。
  • It might need some oil. 它大概需要一些油。

8、seem [si:m]


  • You seem very much alive today. 你今天好像非常活躍。
  • The children seem very happy. 孩子們似乎很快活。

9、harvest [ˈhɑ:vɪst]


  • There was a good harvest that year. 那一年收成好。
  • The autumn harvest is about to start. 秋收即將開始。

10、 hope [həʊp]


  • We hope you can come. 我們希望你能來。
  • Hope you'll enjoy yourself there. 願您度過愉快的一天。
從零開始學英語:Spring Rain 春雨(附音頻)


Spring comes. The weather becomes warmer and warmer. Everything begins to grow. Just then, it rains. It's like silk. It washes the dirt on the earth and waters the plants and the fields.


Farmers stand in the spring rain and smile because spring rain is as dear as oil. They seem to see the harvest in autumn. Spring rain brings water to the air. It also brings hope to people.


