聽美劇學英語41期:Did you tell her that you have a wife

Hello,這裡是地道英語,我是W!今天這個視頻來自Desperate Housewives的第一季第10集。Rex在外面早就有了新歡,可是因為要管教不聽話的兒子所以暫時跟Bree住在一起。顯然Bree還是不想結束這段婚姻的,但女人的第六感她察覺出了其中的異樣。快來跟W一起看看裡面地道的英語表達吧!

聽美劇學英語41期:Did you tell her that you have a wife

Bree: Hello.

Rex: Why are you up? 你為什麼還醒著?

Bree: I could ask you the same question. 我可以問你同樣的問題。

Rex: I'm going to bed. I didn't ask you to wait up for me. Remember, I'm here as our children's father, not your husband. 我要睡了,我並沒要你等我。記住,我在這兒只是作為我們孩子的父親,而不是你的丈夫。wait up for: 熬夜等候 remember: 記得、記憶 as: 作為 children: (複數)孩子 husband: 丈夫

聽美劇學英語41期:Did you tell her that you have a wife

Rex: What are you doing? 你在幹嘛?

Bree: Were you with a woman? Did you tell her that you have a wife, or does that hinder your pick-up style? 你剛才和一個女人在一起?你告訴過她你是有婦之夫嗎?或者那樣會影響你的豔遇?hinder: 阻礙、打擾 pick-up: 提取、搭便車 style: 氣派、風度

Rex: All right. Even if I was seeing someone, I have every right to. Exploring options is the whole point of being separated! 好吧,就算我真的去約會了,我也有權利這樣做。分居的意義就在於能夠尋求新的選擇。even if: 即使、雖然 see someone: 約會 right: 權利 explore: 尋找、搜索 options: 選擇、選項 whole: 整個的、全部 point: 要點、論點 separated: 分開的

Bree: Options! I'm not a mutual fund, Rex! 選擇? Rex,我又不是一個共有基金。mutual: 共同的、相互的 fund: 基金、資助

聽美劇學英語41期:Did you tell her that you have a wife

Rex: Oh, that's not...Bree, you should get out there. Try and meet someone. 那不是, Bree, 你應該出去,試著見個約會對象。get out: 出去、離開 try: 嘗試、試行 meet: 遇見

Bree: Meet someone? I'm raising your children. 見個約會對象?我在養育你的孩子們。raise: 養育、飼養

Rex: I am just trying to move on with my life. It is nothing to be ashamed of! 我只是想繼續我的生活。這沒什麼可恥的。move on: 繼續前進 be ashamed of: 慚愧、害臊

聽美劇學英語41期:Did you tell her that you have a wife

Bree: Oh, okay. I tell you what then. Why don't you just call up your mystery woman and invite her over. I'll pull out the sofa bed and you can take her right there. 好啊,我說,你為什麼不乾脆打電話邀請你的那個神秘女人過來。我會整理好沙發床,你們就可以在上面親熱了。call up: 打電話給 mystery: 神秘的 invite over: 請某人過來 invite: 邀請、招待pull out: 拔出,抽出;撤退、撤出 take: 接受、接納 right: 正好,恰好

Bree:Andrew! Danielle! Daddy's going to fornicate for us! Andrew, Danielle, 爸爸要在我們面前通姦了。fornicate: 通姦、私通

Rex: Keep your voice down. 小聲一點。keep down: 降低、減弱 voice: 聲音

Bree: Why, are you feeling ashamed? 為什麼?你現在覺得可恥了?

聽美劇學英語41期:Did you tell her that you have a wife


【1】I didn't ask you to wait up for me,這句話中注意ask在這裡是要求的意思,同樣的用法在《 》中也出現過。Andrew懟Bree說:Who asked you to spend 3 hours on dinner?

【2】Even if I was seeing someone, I have every right to. 我發現 have every right to 貌似是Rex的口頭禪,《 》這一期的題目就是這個短語,也是Rex說的。

【3】 I'll pull out the sofa bed and you can take her right there. 這句話中也出現了right這個詞,在【2】中是權利的意思,在【3】中是正好的意思,還有一個最基本的意思是右邊。這句話中還要注意take的用法,在《 》中一樣的意思。

【4】Keep your voice down 這句話很面熟呀,在《 》中carlos對Gabrielle也是這麼說的,而且在這段對話中也出現了mutual fund。

