Chrome 插件推薦

Chrome 插件推薦


  1. JSONView

JSONView 是一個格式化 JSON 數據的插件,便於 API 調試,還支持 展開/收起 功能,官方描述如下:

  • Pretty-prints JSON in Firefox, instead of prompting to download it or rendering it as text

  • Collapsible array and object sections for easy navigation

  • Optionally send application/json in HTTP Accept headers

2. Capture Webpage Screenshot Entirely


3. Google Mail Checker

Google Mail Checker 是檢查 GMail 郵箱未讀郵件數的插件,當有未讀郵件時會顯示數目氣泡,點擊跳入郵箱,不用頻繁檢查郵箱是否有錯過的郵件了。

4. Google Art Project

Google Art Project 支持每打開一個新的tab,默認會隨機顯示(需設置)一張谷歌藝術計劃中的一張藝術圖片作為背景,裝逼特好使,只是在上班,點出來一張美女裸照略尷尬。

Breathe a little culture into your day! Discover a beautiful artwork from the Google Art Project each time you open a new tab in Chrome.

With this extension, in every new Chrome tab you’ll see masterpieces ranging from Van Gogh and Monet, all the way to contemporary works from street artists around the world. The artwork is refreshed every day, or change the settings to see a new image every time you open a new tab.

If an artwork happens to spark your curiosity, click the image description to discover more on the Google Cultural Institute website.

5. Google Translate

Google Translate Google 翻譯插件,英語差的我當然是必備的,翻譯簡單直接,如果想看詳細,點擊可進入 Google 翻譯頁面。

6. Vimium

Vimium Vim 黨福利,在瀏覽器中使用 Vim 命令,手不離鍵盤基本搞定鼠標的所有操作。

