


In ancient times, four treasures of a book, a tea, pen, ink, paper, and ink room were the "standard" of calligraphy and ink. Among them, because of the large difference in the types of stone, the carving techniques are ever-changing, and the attention of scholars and scholars is used for appreciation and collection. Guangdong Duanyu, Gansu Handan, Anhui Handan, and Shanxi Chengniao are known as the four famous names in China, especially in Guangdong Province. Duan Yan, produced in the ancient Duanzhou, is now Zhaoqing, Guangdong, hence the name.


端硯,廣東省肇慶市特產,中國國家地理標誌品。 端硯是中國四大名硯之一,與甘肅洮硯、安徽歙硯、山西澄泥硯齊名 在中國所產的四大名硯中,尤以廣東省端硯最為稱著。端硯以石質堅實、潤滑、細膩、嬌嫩而馳名於世,用端硯研墨不滯,發墨快,研出之墨汁細滑,書寫流暢不損毫,字跡顏色經久不變,端硯若佳,無論是酷暑還是嚴冬,用手按其硯心,硯心湛藍墨綠,水氣久久不幹,故古人有“呵氣研墨”之說。


Duan Yan, a specialty of Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China's National geographical landmark. Duan Yan is one of the four famous Chinese crickets. Among the four famous names produced in China in the same name as Gansu Yi, Anhui Yi, and Shanxi Cheng Nai, Duan Yan is the most famous in Guangdong Province. Duan Yan is famous for its solid, lubricated, delicate, and delicate stone quality. It uses the end ink to study ink without delay, to develop ink quickly, to develop fine ink, to write smoothly without loss, to write in color for a long time, and to end the ink. Good, whether it is hot or harsh winter, With his hands according to his heart, the heart of the ink is blue and green, and the water is not dry for a long time. Therefore, the ancients have the saying of "gas ink research".



This square rectangular end, larger in size, 19 cm long, 12 cm wide, 3 cm thick, weighing 1495 grams. This village is heavy in atmosphere, and the pool is round. The carving workers are simple and generous. The stone quality is delicate and gentle. The soft and smooth touch is like the baby's muscles. It is lined with hands and run, and the air is foggy. The beauty is strong, and the carving is vigorous and smooth. It is a rare encounter. 硯臺是一種古老的手工藝品。作為傳統書法的輔助工具,硯臺在當代社會中的應用已是很低,但它作為中國漢族傳統文化的一個載體,是一種有著很高觀賞價值的文物性工藝品,而且只要是中國的書畫藝術存在,硯臺的實用價值就依然存在。可是隨著新中國成立後硬筆書法的普及,傳統的毛筆、硯臺等書寫工具逐漸被人們淡忘,甚至退出了人們日常生活範圍而走進了收藏行列。


Inkstone is an ancient handicraft. As an auxiliary tool of traditional calligraphy, the application of ink-Taiwan in contemporary society is already very low, but as a carrier of Chinese Han traditional culture, it is a kind of cultural relic handicraft with high ornamental value, and as long as it is Chinese calligraphy and painting art exists. The practical value of Taiwan and Taiwan still exists. However, with the popularity of hard pen calligraphy after the founding of New China, traditional writing tools such as brush and inkstone were gradually forgotten by people, and even withdrew from people's daily life and entered the ranks of the collection.


The value of the stone is not only manifested in its external quality, but also has a deeper level of cultural connotation -- integrating history and culture into a small stone tower that is not profitable. Become a literary gentleman to watch, collect, give friends and relatives, Tao Yanlin. On one side, Taiwan has both material beauty, sculpture beauty, calligraphy beauty and powerful cultural connotation, which is very worth playing with.

